Dear Mr. Poilievre;
The matter about which I am writing is not constituency based but affects all of Canada, all Canadians and especially Jewish Canadians.
We have learned of yet another biased, anti-israel campaign by the organization called Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, which stands neither for justice nor peace, but is intent on demonizing Israel, and campaigns for its eradication. In every way possible it displays hatred for the Jewish state, and in every way imaginable it is antisemitic. However, this latest stunt campaign is truly disgraceful, degrading for Canadians, dangerous for Jews. Please see what the CJPME has distributed and advise how you and the Conservative Party might address this, hopefully speaking up in Parliament and having the Government of Canada confirm that it has no intention of supporting this hateful proposal by CJPME.
Israel is a legal entity; just as legal as every other country in the Middle East that was carved out of the Ottoman empire and definitely is not an occupying nation. The illegal occupation by Jordan, in areas that were part of Israel, lasted from 1949-1967 when Israel liberated its ancient homeland. Since its independence, Israel has developed into the one and only liberal democracy in the Middle East and North Africa. Demonizing Israel is the new antisemitism, which is not different from demonizing Jews, a favourite past-time of Jew haters. The lies that are spread by CJPME add to the dangers in our society of rising antisemitism. By association, this and other entities make common cause with extremists, left and right, including radical Islamists. This campaign feeds hysteria, fuels anger and mistrust of the state of Israel, and lies and bigotry which serve no good purpose at all.
It is time that every stone of antisemitism that is cast, must be picked up and removed from our path. Justice for Jews serves everyone's interest. It is a just cause, it supports freedom, democracy and equality for all. Calling Israel an "occupier,", or the other ugly epithets of "apartheid" state, colonizer," or genocidal etc are tropes against Jews that have always caused harm and are no less potent today.
Thank your for any and all you will do to confront the lies and speak out to end this scourge of Jew hatred.

Andria Spindel
Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation
Distribution by CJPME
