Extremism on the Right
On February 11th , CAEF hosted Elisa Hategan in a webinar titled, “From Hate to Hope: A Former Neo-Nazi speaks about Radicalization and Violent Extremism,” which was attended by over 230 people and generated a significant amount of positive feedback. Many listeners wrote to acknowledge the courage of Ms Hategan for standing up against the white supremacists who had come to dominate her life. We learned how early childhood trauma, alienation and bullying can contribute to a young person’s self-deprecation, and how one maythen beeasily manipulated by those who provide a sense of belonging, acknowledgement and community to the person who feels like an outsider.
Elisa’s presentation will not be shared shared given her personal circumstances, but as so many wrote to CAEF after the presentation asking for a recording, we are replicating the two listings that were on our event notice: the film produced by Elisa that is on her website and a link to her book that is available online. Additionally, many people had posted questions in theZoom Q & A and we didn’t have time to read them all, so we shared those with Elisa and have her answers here.
An Indigenous Voice on Jewish Indigeneity
Ryan Bellarose is a Metis Canadian activist who for many years has supported and educated people about Jewish rights to Israel, teaching that Jews are indigenousbased on the internationally recognized UN definition of what constitutes an indigenous people.
His presentation for Americans For a Safe Israel (AFSI) was recorded and CAEFis pleased to share this presentation which will help everyone understand the truth, Jews are an indigenous people.
IHRA--Tough Stuff for Progressives, Left Wing, Reform Jews—but too Important to Ignore
CAEF is non partisan, non denominational, but is alsonot adverse to raising and responding directly to issues and viewpoints that need to be aired. We wholly support the adoption and implementation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism (IHRA), and would expect all Jewish organizations to likewise support this internationally recognized tool which is designed to identify and rectify Jew hatred in all its manifestations. That doesn’t seem to be so easy to accomplish so we include an article here by Jonathan S. Tobin, editor in chief of JNS—Jewish News Syndicate, that highlights the issue.
Why Do They Hate Us?
The newly appointed ISGAP Senior Research Fellow, Dr. David Nussbaum, formerly of Toronto, newly of Israel, has inspired us and encouraged our thinking, reading, and writing on issues affecting Israel, academic antisemitism, extremism, freedom of speech and of the press. As ISGAP published David’s first contribution to ISGAP Flashpoint on January 18, 2021, we are delighted to share his wisdom and well considered insights.
Proposed Jewish 10 Demandments to the Federal Government of Canada
These words were drafted by CAEF on Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27, 2020, in remembrance of the slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews. CAEF launched End Jew Hatred Canada and we propose that these demands be adopted by Jews andurgently pressed with the Canadian Federal Government.
Defund UNRWA, which perpetuates the lie of there being millions of Arab refugees when there are few, uses educational material to breed hatred and antisemitism in generations of Arab children, and denies the existence of Israel in all of its educational material.
Develop a plan to implement the full IHRA definition, and thereby show leadership to provincial governments, municipalities, and civic institutions.
List terrorist groups and hate groups under terrorist legislation and prohibit any support or interaction by any Canadian, Canadian business or NGO from contact with them, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp, and any organization that supports the Palestinian pay-for-slay policy that encourages the murder of Jews.
Provide increased security funding for community institutions within the Jewish community and at public events.
Increase scrutiny of NGOs and charities that are connected to terrorism and that contravene the IHRA and specifically support Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel. Such scrutiny and sanctions must include banning antisemitic events such as the “Al Quds Day” rally and Israel Apartheid Week on campuses, all of which embrace hatred and lies, demonstrate antisemitism as defined by IHRA, and endanger Jews.
Recognize Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel and move the Canadian embassy to the capital of the Jewish State.
Demonstrate Zero tolerance for antisemites who work within the civil service and within any crown corporation. Require that all entities which receive funding adopt the IHRA just as they were required to adopt other human rights and human resources policies, and provide proof of same to federal or provincial governments as appropriate, eg. employment equity, antiracism, and anti-sexual harassment policies.
Develop and publicize guidelines for online internet providers to scrub antisemitism and hold them accountable.
Mandate a revised and vibrant course in Jewish history, the history of antisemitism, including the Holocaust but not exclusive to it. Jew hatred exists and requires a current evidence-based approach that includes teaching about Jews, Judaism and the Jewish people, including the truth about Zionism.
Stand firm against Antisemitism in international forums including the UnitedNations.