“Artists Under Fire: The BDS War against Celebrities, Jews, and Israel” blends an in-depth analysis and repudiation of the cultural boycott effort against Israel - a movement that exploits famous entertainers in a campaign that is antisemitic at its core, dangerous for all Jews, poisonous for non-Jews, and a death knell for freedom of artistic expression.
The book puts the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign on trial. It draws a direct link between classic antisemitism and antizionism.
Lana Melman has documented the course of Jew hatred in the arts and culture community of America, the poison pill in society. With insightful details, she explains its various manifestations, its leaders and the lies behind their actions—incentivizing antisemitism, cancelling Artists who support Israel, fabricating stories that lead to boycotts just as the Nazis did.
Melman provides suggestions that go beyond reacting, beyond mere defensiveness. People who truly support justice, need align with Israel and the Jews, take offensive action, hold the haters accountable, support those who speak up and support Israel and the truth.
Jews have experienced inter-generational trauma but support all oppressed people, have led the civil rights movement for others, and now they must demand justice for Jews and gather allies for support. Acting now is essential.
Lana Melman has documented the course of Jew hatred in the arts and culture community of America, the poison pill in society. With insightful details, she explains its various manifestations, its leaders and the lies behind their actions—incentivizing antisemitism, cancelling Artists who support Israel, fabricating stories that lead to boycotts just as the Nazis did.
Melman provides suggestions that go beyond reacting, beyond mere defensiveness. People who truly support justice, need align with Israel and the Jews, take offensive action, hold the haters accountable, support those who speak up and support Israel and the truth.
Jews have experienced inter generational trauma but support all oppressed people, gave led the civil rights movement for others, now they must demand justice for Jews and gather allies for support. Acting now is essential.