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End Jew Hatred Report Issue 7

Writer's picture: CAEFCAEF

January 6, 2022


The United Nations, created in order to achieve the highest good for all mankind, has sunk to a new low. The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has established a new “Commission of Inquiry” which has the unprecedented potential to vilify and delegitimize Israel, and build false claims in order to then bring criminal charges to the International Criminal Court.

It will have an annual budget of five million dollars and 20-24 permanent staff, including four full time lawyers, a forensic expert and a military adviser. Its mission is to focus only on Israelis, ignoring there are two sides in any conflict and that Israel is under attack by extremists, Islamist terrorists and a barrage of hate.

Toronto native and international lawyer Anne Bayesky calls it “the most hostile and dangerous anti-Israel body the UN has ever created.” It will decide Israel is guilty of apartheid, validate and unleash criminal prosecutions of Israelis, significantly magnify pressure on “third states” and “business enterprises” to engage in Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and insist on an arms embargo against Israel… create an in- house legal bureau to seek criminal charges against members of the IDF and the highest echelons of the Israeli government.

The three members appointed have notorious anti-Israel records, especially the Chair, Navi Pillay. Bayefsky says the commission is “unprecedented” in its funding, staffing and permanence, and she refers to it as Pillay’s Pogrom. The Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation has characterized it as a new Inquisition, hunting down Jews and demonizing the state of Israel.

In 2021 The UN General Assembly singled out Israel in 14 biased resolutions, and five for the rest of the world. There were no resolutions this year on the human rights violations in China, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Belarus, Cuba, Turkey, Pakistan, Vietnam, Algeria, or Sudan. No condemnation of Hamas, a designated terrorist organization by most democratic countries; a perpetual perpetrator of unprovoked attacks against Israeli citizens, using their own people as human shields. Nor was there mention of the human rights abuses in the areas governed by the Palestinian Authority, governed by tyrant Mahmoud Abbas, who glorifies and pays the murderers of Israelis, erases Israel from text books, incites hatred and rewards violence.

Alternate Israeli Prime Minister, and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, worries that Israel will witness a surge of accusations of apartheid. This “disgusting lie” is being promoted vigorously by the PA. He accused the PA of hypocrisy saying, “On one hand, they talk about promoting peace talks, and on the other hand they file petitions against Israel at The Hague and pay salaries to terrorists.” President Mahmoud Abbas, rules absolutely, violently supressing all dissent. The antisemitism in Palestinian schoolbooks rivals that of the third Reich. Children are indoctrinated to hate Israelis and kill them, creating future generations who perpetuate a culture of violence. Canada donates millions unconditionally to the UNRWA which uses PA approved textbooks, teaching Arab children to kill.

An example of how ludicrously corrupt the UN has become is the fact that in April 2021, in a secret ballot, the UN’s Economic and Social Council elected Iran’s gender apartheid regime to a four year term on its Commission on the Status of Women, whose goal is the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.

A few weeks ago, the UN General Assembly, overwhelmingly passed a resolution denying a Jewish connection to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. Its aim says David Hazony, Israeli American writer is….” undermining the Jewish claim to any part of the land.” While the Crusaders held the Temple at one time and Arabs at another time, the historically validated truth is that the Temple Mount is the Holiest place for Jews and was built by King Solomon for Jewish worship, and that predates the rise of either of the other religions.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, UNRWA, gets millions from Canada and other countries, with no conditions, and without meeting the criterion of peace building required by the United Nations. Its accountability seems never to be questioned. Schools funded by UNRWA use teachers and text books that are brazenly antisemitic and call for the destruction of Israel. Children go to summer camps to train to kill Israelis. Terrorists are role models, heroes to be emulated. UNRWA is dominated by nepotism, Jew hatred, and sexual misconduct.

Starting in January 1, 2022, according to UN Watch’s Hillel Neuer, 68% of the UNHRC represent governments of dictators and other human rights abusers. Qatar, Cameroons, Eritrea, Kazakhstan and Somalia were all elected in October to this human rights body, joining China, Cuba, Russia, Libya, Pakistan and Venezuela.

Canada must defund and detach from both the PA and UNWRA. Our government must call out the wrongs being perpetuated at the UN. Jews have always been the canary in the coalmine. Our democratic values and way of life are imperiled.

See latest armed protest, engaging children, January 1, 2022 at the Deheishe Refugee Camp.

Organized by UNRWA with PA support.

Doris Strub Epstein, Editor

copyright, End Jew Hatred Canada

End Jew Hatred Canada is the Jewish civil rights movement, fighting for freedom from bigotry, and oppression that denigrates our people, our homeland, our culture. Jew hatred threatens our safety and Canada’s thriving democracy. It comes from all forms of extremism. There is no justice without truth.

Powered by the Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation


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