This Rosh Hashanah is unlike any we have experienced, due to both the impact of the coronavirus pandemic which is being felt around the world and in nearly every Jewish home and community, and the increasing virus of antisemitism affecting Jews worldwide.
Many forces are threatening Jews and Israel, whether over politics, geography, security or just denying history and Jewish rights. It is crucial that there be a voice for truth and timely information addressing issues of antisemitism and anti-Zionism.
And that is why CAEF is more important than ever.

Since April 2020, we have brought together many voices from across the world, all fighting in their own way to defeat antisemitism and promote Israel, presented in 21 dynamic, informative, and important webinars featuring 24 speakers in our 4 series:
They are Lying about Jews Again
CAEF is a voice that is loud and proud, and unencumbered by political correctness, cancel culture, paradigm shifts, or shifting ideological whims.
We defend Israel, Jewish rights to the land.
We identify and expose anti-Israel lies and hatreds.
We champion the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism and all of its illustrative examples.
We know “They are Lying about Jews Again!”
We expose the lies, even when they come from Jewish outlets, tainting the truth, repeating the “word crimes.”

We can’t do it without your help.
Your support will enable CAEF to continue to bring important experts to a Canadian audience and to expand our reach to Jewish and non-Jewish allies. It will enable us to improve and enhance our materials, on site presence and advocacy. Join us in being proud Zionists and we will all be proud of what we accomplish together.
Please add your financial support. Invest in fighting antisemitism, teaching truth, and defending Israel’s rights
Your 5781 donation is fully tax deductible. While there are many worthy causes seeking financial help, consider supporting the Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation, and together we will tell the truth about antisemitism and anti-Israel bigotry, and confront the Jew-haters. Be our ally!!