April 21, 2024
Chair Maria Felix Miller
Hamilton-Wentworth Discrict School Board
Dear Chair Felix Miller;
Back on October 13, we wrote to the prior chair, Ms Dawn Danko, about Trustee Sabreina Dahab's public association with a Holocaust denial gang calling itself "Toronto4Palestine". Last week we learned that the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board has done precisely nothing about it. See image below from Toronto4Palestine, an organization which Ms. Dahab promoted on social media, and another from Hamilton which she posted in October.
What's next, the Board being A-OK with school trustees taking the stage at a KKK rally?
Is this what your Board means by "diversity" and "inclusion"?
Are these your school board's values?
Yours truly,

Andria Spindel
cc. Hon, Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education
Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario