Dear Friends of Native Land Digital,
I write to you at the above address as your website indicates this is for the use of "indigenous" people to bring corrections to your attention.
As a Jewish person whose people's ancestry is traceable to the ancient land of Israel, I draw your attention to the error on your maps page where you have mistakenly labelled a map as being that of "Palestine". There has never been in all of history, a country called Palestine, but there was a sovereign country under King David called Israel. Israel was reconstituted in 1948 as, once again, the national home of the Jewish people. King David of Israel reigned during 1010-970 B.C.E. He was Israel's second king, succeeding King Saul and uniting the kingdom of Israel.
If you can provide evidence of any other people being sovereign, please do send it to me, and if you can verify that it was a land with the borders you show as Palestine, please provide historical dates when it was thus established and by whom, and when were these borders defined and who recognized them?
Claims that there is (or was) a Palestine is very much a co-optation of Jewish history initiated in 1967 by Yasser Arafat with KGB assistance, but it is a fraud and one that all indigenous people should be concerned about. Jews are indigenous to the land, known prior to 1948 as the Mandate for Palestine which was held by Britain. Prior to WWI, the land was held by the Ottomans and if you check your history books you will find the land was invaded and conquered countless times but it was NEVER Palestine. It was after King David, conquered by the Greeks, Romans, the Babylonians, Assyrians, Mongols, Arabs, and Christians. Arabs invaded in the 7th century: In 637 or 638, Caliph Umar ( r. 634–644) traveled to Jerusalem in person to receive the submission of the city. Arabs are from Arabia, Jews are from Judea which is the heartland of Israel, and have been there for over 3500 years.
In recognition of Jewish indigeneity I would kindly ask that you correct your map and any and all references to the land by any name other than Israel. It is a great disservice to students if you are teaching ahistorical information, lies about history and geography, which one might assume has political intent.
The Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation has great respect for all Indigenous people, but that does not allow for accepting misinformation.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Executive Director
Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation
Andria, thank you for responding to this important misinformation perpetuated by the Palestinians. I have great respect for our Indigenous brothers and sisters, but due to their association with the Palestinians and believing they were fighting the same cause, they have believed their lies!
The Palestinians' story is not the same as our Indigenous Canadians. As a Canadian, I stand with our Indigenous people against their treatment by the Canadian government.
I stand against the vicious lies and the evil of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.