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CAEF VP responds in National Post to antisemitic criticism of Israel & outstanding lies by a letter

It seems that Michael Bueck­ert and I have very dif­fer­ent defin­i­tions of justice, peace and anti-palestinian racism. I wish that Avi Ben­lolo was wrong in his claim that the Palestinian Author­ity (PA) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) are “incul­cat­ing gen­er­a­tions of Palestinian chil­dren to be ven­er­ated as ‘mar­tyrs’ for mass murders.” But he isn’t.

Dr. Arnon Groiss of the Meir Amit Intel­li­gence and Ter­ror­ism Inform­a­tion Cen­ter, in con­junc­tion with David Bedein of the Centre for Near East Policy Research, pub­lished a study of more than 360 school text­books and over 100 teach­ers’ guides, issued by the PA between 2013 and 2018, which showed stu­dent indoc­trin­a­tion through the del­e­git­im­iz­a­tion of the State of Israel’s exist­ence; the demon­iz­a­tion of Israel and the Jews; and incite­ment to viol­ent struggle to reclaim the whole of Israel as Palestine, with no edu­ca­tion for peace and co-exist­ence.

Dr. Arnon Groiss of the Meir Amit Intel­li­gence and Ter­ror­ism Inform­a­tion Cen­ter, in con­junc­tion with David Bedein of the Centre for Near East Policy Research, pub­lished a study of more than 360 school text­books and over 100 teach­ers’ guides, issued by the PA between 2013 and 2018, which showed stu­dent indoc­trin­a­tion through the del­e­git­im­iz­a­tion of the State of Israel’s exist­ence; the demon­iz­a­tion of Israel and the Jews; and incite­ment to viol­ent struggle to reclaim the whole of Israel as Palestine, with no edu­ca­tion for peace and co-exist­ence.

Sim­il­arly, Itamar Mar­cus, founder and dir­ector of Palestinian Media Watch, last August issued a 79-page report titled “Teach­ing Ter­ror to Tots,” which examined Fatah’s Waed magazine for young Palestinian chil­dren and found a “dec­ades-long pat­tern of the PA’S pro­mo­tion and glor­i­fic­a­tion of ter­ror and indoc­trin­a­tion of adults and chil­dren to seek Mar­tyr­dom for ‘Palestine,’ while deny­ing Israel’s right to exist and anti­cip­at­ing a world without Israel.”

Judith Weinroth, V-P, Cana­dian Anti­semit­ism Edu­ca­tion Found­a­tion, Toronto

Michael Bueck­ert expresses con­cerns on how Palestinian acts of viol­ence are described. But des­pite being the vice-pres­id­ent of an organ­iz­a­tion that seems to wish to pro­mote peace, he is seem­ingly not troubled with the idea of viol­ence.

A more mean­ing­ful dir­ec­tion to peace would be the crit­ical exam­in­a­tion of Palestinian lead­ers who through the years have chosen viol­ence rather than nego­ti­ation as the path to achieve a fair and last­ing peace.

All the while, these very same lead­ers became immensely wealthy.

Sam Mit­nick, Côte Saint-luc, Que.

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