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Tired of seeing antisemitism and cyber hate on social media?

Wanna do something about it? If so, consider signing up for our ‘REACH’ program, Remove and Eradicate Antisemitism & Cyber Hate (starting on November 13).

REACH is a 100% free, educational, online program meant for Canadians. We will give you the knowledge and tools necessary to monitor and report antisemitism and cyber hate on social media.

Don’t be a bystander! Sign up today and help make our social media platforms HATE-FREE.

This online program is designed to empower Canadians to combat online hate-speech and help make our social media platforms hate-free.

Participation is free of charge and requires only two hours a week.

The program includes: Live, practical, hands-on training sessions, mentoring throughout the program, virtual coworking space, a reporting challenge, a webinar with a keynote speaker, networking and community-building.

Participants will attend five live sessions (1h each) and apply their knowledge for one hour.


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