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Letter from Larry Shapiro, Calgary, to Ottawa Citizen about antisemitism of the Capital Pride Parade

Re: Jewish Federation of Ottawa pulls out of Capital Pride parade following pro-Palestinian statement, Story by Staff Reporter, Aug. 14, 2024, Ottawa Citizen.

Aug. 14, 2024

Dear Editor,

Justifying the exclusion of Jewish gays and lesbians in the Pride Parade, the organizers of the Capital Pride Parade stated that while they condemn the Hamas invasion of Israel where nails were pounded in to women's vaginas, and babies thrown into and cooked in microwave ovens in front of their shrieking parents, Israel's reaction was worse. No rapes mind you, no eyes plucked out, no families bound up and durned, just an precision campaign against Hamas soldiers hiding in schools and hospitals daring Israelis to shoot in hopes that civilians would die which would convince the Capital Pride Parade organizers that Israel is more evil. I don't think Israelis minds if Ottawa gays boycott Jews, but they are justifiably disgusted that Palestinians who celebrated and are still celebrating Hamas actions are honored guests. Only in Canada where Nazi war criminals were sheltered, could victimizers be so honored.

Larry Shapiro, Calgary


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