With every attack from Gaza, Israel responds and that is what should be, but with every response, the reverberation is felt world-wide in Jewish communities and even where no Jews exist. The pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel crowd is increasing, rowdy, angry, and sometimes destructive. They have attacked Jews in Montreal and Toronto and in Europe. We must be strong, determined and committed, but also extremely cautious. Below are the words from Shmuel Sackett , of an American NGO, Am Yisrael Chai, and CAEF agrees that as things escalate in the conflict, there will be more Jew hatred in the diaspora. Let us hope that with peace in mind, Israel routs Hamas and is able to end this decades old war against the Jewish nation.
CAEF and the team at End Jew Hatred monitored many very troubling incidents and has been in frequent contact with police in Toronto and Peel Region. Attacks on individuals took place at the Toronto pro-Palestinian rally which was little more than a hate fest against Israel that deteriorated into intimidating and attacking the Jews who were present to counter protest or just observe. The peaceful pro-Israel rally in Montreal also ended with threats, harassment and the chasing of Jewish through city streets. Folks in Ottawa also reported verbal abuse and threats during their pro-Israel rally. Physical attacks, property vandalism have been reported in several Ontario cities. Let us not be blind to what is happening, but ever vigilant, aware, thoughtful and cautious but NOT remove our Jewish symbols, lower our pride or deny our rights.
The Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs has posted information we can all utilize: Take Action
In an article entitled, World Continues to Support Israel’s Efforts to Quell Hamas Terrorism as UNSC Convenes on Sunday, by David Israel, published in on May 16, 2021, the following recitation of countries that support Israel was specifically included. Let us give thanks to those brave and honest politicians that are not hiding behind the skirt of some leftist/liberal ideology that calls for the sanctioning of Israel, wrongly equates the defense of innocents with the terrorism of the guilty and looks to the body count to decide which side to support. Sadly the count is growing and is terrible on both sides and while our Torah teaches us not to celebrate the death or downfall of our enemies, at least we can cheer on the courageous and devoted IDF, the world’s most compassionate military and thank them for their duty and love of country and people.
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz ordered to fly Israel’s flag on the Chancellor’s building in Vienna as a sign of solidarity with Israel. Kurz tweeted: “Today the Israeli flag was hoisted on the roof of the Federal Chancellery as a sign of solidarity with Israel. The terrorist attacks on Israel are to be condemned in the strongest language! Together we stand by Israel’s side.”
Czech President Miloš Zeman said during the Gaza clashes that his heart was with the State of Israel, and tweeted a picture of his country’s flag alongside the Israeli flag and a heart emoji.
On Friday, the Israeli flag was hoisted on the Slovenian government building, and the government issued a statement in which it clarified that it identifies with Israel and condemns the terrorist attacks on it.
Foreign Minister Peter Cierto wrote on Facebook: “Hungary condemns the missile attack on Israeli cities carried out by Palestinian terrorist organizations. We express solidarity with Israel and support its right to self-defense.
Poland’s Ambassador to Israel Marek Magierowski tweeted last Wednesday in Hebrew: “I strongly condemn Hamas’ attacks on Israeli civilians. The use of terrorism is a dead end.
Japan’s Deputy Defense Minister Yoshihide Nakayama tweeted last week: “What would you have done? One day, more than 300 missiles were suddenly launched by terrorists within 24 hours, robbing lives and destroying homes. Israel has the right to defend itself against the terrorists.
President Biden has indicated support for a ceasefire but also support for Israel’s right to defend itself, so not asking Netanyuhu to cease its defense of Israel or sue for peace. In addition, the US has three times blocked the UN Security Council from voting on a resolution to condemn Israel’s military response to the attacks from Gaza.
And while Marc Garneau, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs released a statement that rightly stated: “Canada supports Israel's right to live in peace with its neighbours within secure boundaries and recognizes Israel's right to assure its own security,” he mistakenly linked the decision of the Israeli supreme court in a landlord/tenant dispute in Shimon Hatzedik, (known as Sheik Jarrah by the Palestinian Arabs), with the terrorism coming from Gaza and the local political unrest generated by the Palestinian Authority.
Garneau’s statement included: “Canada remains gravely concerned by the continued expansion of settlements, and by the demolitions and evictions, including the ongoing cases in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan.”
How many international incidents are incited when tenants in any other country refuse to pay their rent, ownership is confirmed by the Supreme court for a case that has dragged on for over a decade? Was it really this issue that generated riots, claims of ethnic cleansing and worse? Might it be because the landlords are Jewish. The religion of the landlord or the tenants should have nothing to do with the exercise of law. Surely Canada can see the absurdity in even stating an opinion on a case before the independent judiciary in a democratic country that is an ally?
This Antisemitism is Not so New
Dr. David Nussbaum summarizes what antisemitism is always about:
Antisemitism which flourished in the past, has had a (primarily Left Wing) revival and intensification in the present, and will likely persist to some degree in the future. The quintessential difference is that between most "other-identity based hatreds" and antisemitism is that unlike most hatreds, the panoply of antisemitic types (religious, racial, ideological) seem to converge in the end game with a genocidal solution to the problem. In other words, the "Final Solution" for all of them is a world free of Jewish human beings.
Some may allow for "salvation" if Jews renounce and denounce their Jewish identities, assimilate with the mainstream "culture," accept its values, and functionally "disappear" from human history, leaving not a trace of the Jewish contribution to so many areas of human endeavour and advancement, most notably ethical and moral monotheism.
The cultural identity suicide route leads to a "Judenrein welt."
University of Toronto Medical Faculty and Students have their Heads in the Proverbial Sand; the Woke Need to Wake UP!
Journalist Jonathan Kay brought the antisemitism of the Faculty of Medicine at U of T to public attention in a tweet. Led by Dr. Ritika Goel, members of the Temerity Faculty of Medicine are circulating lies and hatred for the state of Israel. This has led to a Call to Action by other members of the faculty.
The story was sent to CAEF by Dr. Stuart Kamenetsky who, along with Dr. Howard Tenebaum, has worked tirelessly to address antisemitism at the University with support from B’nai Brith Canada and CAEF. Kay points out that racism and discrimination are met with zero tolerance by the faculty, except when it comes to discrimination against Jews. Send a letter to the university president, Dr. Meric Gertler and to the Working Group on Antisemitism JEWS CANNOT BE SILENT.
The University of Toronto, a bastion of the elite, again gets failing grades in addressing antisemitism.
CAEF Webinar with Dr. Mordechai Kedar draws large audience
The topic, The Why’s and Lies Behind Arab Violence; How to Understand the Jihad Against Israel, had the largest registration yet to our Web Talks, at almost 700. Audience feedback extolled the excellence of Dr. Kedar’s presentation and candour in answering questions. The historical perspective he presented helps us understand the irrational, Islamist, Jew hating bases for today’s attacks by Hamas, PLO, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist organizations. Watch Now and Share.
A Public Intellectual Outlines the Easy Steps to War--America Seems on Track
Victor Davis Hanson is an extremely level headed academic. Wikipedia describes him as “an American conservative commentator, classicist, and military historian. He has been a commentator on modern and ancient warfare and contemporary politics for The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, National Review, The Washington Times, and other media outlets.” He is the Martin and Lillie Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution; his focus is classics and military history. He is frequently interviewed on talk for podcasts, webinars, and television and comments on the Wokeism and Cancel Culture that pervades in US universities. This essay was published on May 16th, 2021 on the website of American Greatness, an institute in which he is a Distinguished Fellow, and one which distinguishes itself from the Conservative movement of today. Read, How to Ensure a Middle-East War in Five Easy Steps. The five steps are listed here; read full article to understand how this is being played out.
Revive Iran.
Discourage Arab moderates.
Reboot corrupt Palestinian dictatorships.
Adopt globalist moral equivalence.
Do the exact opposite of the Trump Administration.
We rallied for Israel in Toronto on May 13th, we supported rallies in Ottawa and Montreal. We will be ever present for Israel, and we will strive to end racist Jew hatred. Everyone is inviting to join End Jew Hatred Canada. We can provide a sign for your car, a placard for your business window, and include you in notice of any direct action to be taken in addressing Jew hatred. Sign up at and indicate if you are in Canada.
Silence is Complicity
This article sums up the scourge of Jew hatred that is spreading in Europe and across North America. It cannot and must not be ignored. Jews cannot be silent. Righteous citizens cannot be silent. Social justice/human rights advocates must stop vilifying Israel and stand up for Jewish rights and Justice for Jews.
This article by Abigail R. Esman, published by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, May 20th, 2021 provides a quick overview of some of the vitriol and lies spewing out across Europe. In sum the author writes, Jew Hatred Soars as Hamas-Israel Fighting Rages.
“And yet those who could speak out against the violence, the perpetuation of lies and hate and calls for destruction of the Jews, those whose voices could make a difference, still say nothing. Perhaps it is their fear. Perhaps it is simply ignorance.”
Rabbi Aryeh Spero, President of the Conference of Jewish Affairs, wrote "SOCIAL JUSTICE" RABBINIC STUDENTS BETRAY THE JEWISH PEOPLE IN TIME OF WAR, on May 16 and published in The Times of Israel on May 20th, 2021, and it must considered by our wider Jewish community as these are our future leaders.
“While the young men and women of Israel are putting their lives on the line defending their homes and family, here in America we have a very comfortable and self-indulgent group of rabbinical students verbally attacking Israel and giving moral support to the Hamas and Palestinian Arabs trying to destroy Israeli families.
Most are from the Boston Hebrew College or the Reconstructionist Jewish Seminary and are trying to influence world opinion against Israel, which enhances the ability of the terrorists to murder more Jews. It is a despicable act of betrayal and cowardice and should not be construed as coming from people with a higher moral standard.
“By now,” Rabbi Spero said, “it is obvious that Hamas and other jihadists, unlike Israel, are not interested in peace and represent some of the most barbaric actions and attitudes, even to their own people––in contrast to Israel which tries exceedingly to defend itself in the most humane way possible.
CAEF stands solidly with End Jew Hatred and Partners United Against Antisemitism, in their rally in Beverley Hills, California May 23rd.