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The Real Occupation, Zionism’s 125 Years, A Call for a Public Inquiry | CAEF Bulletin - Sept 1, 2022

The Palestinian Authority’s Illegal Occupation

“The illegal building that's taking place by the Arabs has increased so dramatically in the last year that it's out of control. If we judge according to where these activities are happening, they’re definitely in places which you can see they’re trying to create facts on the ground,” says Efrat Mayor Oded Revivi.

Read the article by David Isaac, in JNS August 22, 2022 to fully appreciate that area C in the disputed territories, was designated under the Oslo Accords for future Israeli development and is being illegally taken over by wanton actions by Arabs, no doubt under PA direction. Buildings are thrown up creating “facts on the ground,” often aided by EU funds, and supported by the UN, desperate to always discredit Israel. This is the real illegal occupation, which follows the 19 years in which Jordan illegally occupied Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem following an offensive war.


Who is Defending Jewish Land Rights Today?

Sadly, it isn’t always the Israeli government and it most assuredly isn’t the US, EU, UN or any Western nation. It might be too much to expect academics, politicians, clerics, and the media to get the story straight. It most definitely isn’t popular to speak truth about Israel, to side with her in land disputes even when Israel’s rights are being trampled on.

Read about the Nachla movement which is protecting the land. Read the full story

In Arutz Sheva, August 29, 2022 to understand the threats to Israel and the positive,courageous steps being taken by today’s “young pioneers. “ Here is an excerpt and full article.

“Lital Slonim, who heads the public relations for Nachala, said: ‘MKs from the Likud, the Religious Zionism party, and other right-wing parties are in constant contact with us. They are fully aware of the danger that Arab illegal building activities pose, and they support our efforts to put an end to it. It is clear to everyone that the establishment of new Jewish communities is the only way to prevent the illegal Arab occupation of government land. This is a crucial step, to ensure the security of Israel. It also raises the national pride within the Jewish People.’”


Know the History of the Land Allocation, from 1917-1948


It’s No Joke—They Came to Kill Us, We Won, Let’s Eat

This seemingly funny sequence of events is historic, repetitive and endless. While expressed with humour, it is not actually funny. With every Jewish festival, and memorial day, we revisit the theme of antisemitism. Never Again is Ever Again and we must be more alert. Ignoring the signs is ignorance we can ill afford. Ignoring the signs, allows those with Jew hatred in their hearts to flourish, win adherents and prove they are unassailable.

CAEF calls on our Jewish leaders to be more vocal, more indignant, more action oriented, more prepared and more coordinated with one another. We cannot make a difference standing alone, apart and forever merely competitive.



We Can and Must Win

I thank Charles Pulman for these slides and an excellent presentation he made to members of the Mattathias Project. Charles is Senior Counsel in a major Dallas law firm, as well as a Certified Public Accountant. He is involved in numerous civic activities and has served in many roles within the Jewish community sector. He is a significant advocate for Israel, fighting antisemitism and frequently speaking about the conflict between Israel and Palestinian Arabs, and the relationship between Israel and the Jewish diaspora.


Abbas Continues with his KGB learned Lies

As expressed by writer Benjamin Kerstein, “Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas had to belittle the Holocaust because if he didn’t, he’d have to face the dark side of his people’s history.” It’s long been known that Abbas did his PhD thesis in Russia on denying the Holocaust, and has never corrected his mental mindlessness on this matter. He repeats the denial frequently but has rarely been called out for his lies, denials, and trivialization of the Holocaust, nor of course for his spewing Jew hatred at every opportunity. Speaking in Germany recently, standing beside Chancellor Stoltz, and stating Israel had committed 50 Holocausts, led to international condemnation. Some weak apologies later, his comment may have been trivialized, but it changes nothing.

Read the article in JNS, August 22, 2022.


Stories with Positive Spin--Educate and Celebrate Zionism’s Anniversary

Hundreds of Jews from around the world traveled to Basel, Switzerland, to mark the 125th anniversary of the historic gathering of Zionists in the same place, commencing August 29th.

The event was organized by the World Zionist Organization, a group inaugurated during the First Zionist Congress that Theodor Herzl, considered the father of modern Zionism, convened in Basel in 1897. At the 1897 congress, 200 participants from 17 countries voted to adopt as an explicit goal the creation of “a publicly and legally assured home in Palestine” for Jews.

“At Basel, I founded the Jewish state,” Herzl famously wrote in his diary at the time, noting that while not everyone recognized the import of the congress then, they would in 50 years — precisely predicting the moment when Israel would become an independent nation.

The 125th anniversary event is not intended to develop and debate policies but to celebrate the degree to which Herzl’s vision has transformed into a thriving reality in modern-day Israel.

Zionist leader Theodor Herzl, who helped convene the First Zionist Congress in 1897, stayed at the Hotel Les Trois Rois for that event, posing for a now-famous photograph from one of its balconies. See the re-creation by President Isaac Herzog; photo taken from the Times of Israel, August 29, 2022.


Get to know this Pakistani Muslim Counter-terrorist Expert and Zionist

Noor Dahri has been writing about terrorism, educating counter-terrorists and supporting Israel for some years and has just released a new book, Israel Defence Forces - Ground Forces, Operations, Units & Command & Control.


Antisemitism in Canadian Government and The Figleaf

At least a half dozen fulsome stories about the granting of funds from Heritage Canada to an outright racist antisemitic bigot, Laith Marouf, were produced by writers for the National Post. Kudos to that paper for covering the story from many angles and attempting to hold Minister Ahmed Hussen, the Minister of Housing and Diversity’s feet to the fire. That Marouf wins this year’s prize for “most bigoted racist to be awarded a government grant”, seemed to be excused by the minister and his minions until two Jewish MPs (Anthony Housefather and Ya’ara Saks) and a few media moderators called him out (notably Mark Goldberg and Jonathan Kay), as did Hillel Neuer of UN Watch. (It might be noted that a US study conducted by the Heritage Foundation found a significant level of antisemitism among university DEI consultants, Read here).

Unsurprisingly, when the Minister said he would “investigate” the situation, some of the leading Jewish advocacy groups in Canada jumped to indicate their contentment, not asking the Minister to take accountability nor even consider past accountabilities. They think it is sufficient and positive that the granting Ministry, Heritage Canada, under Minister Pablo Rodriguez, would review its criterion for past funding and ensure new guidelines precluded such an abominable decision from being made again. Is this giving the two Ministers and senior staff an all too easy escape hatch from responsibility? You be the judge!

It seems the government has ignored the fact that for over 20 years, while receiving over $500,000 in grants, Marouf and his wife have spewed their filth. They were the beneficiaries of a grant recipient organization, Community Media Advocacy Center, which they created. The Government of Canada seems to have no plan to undo the damage. This suggests a fig leave is held over the naked truth—the government has been derelict, ignoring explicit racism and antisemitism while showering praise on a Jew hater. The government ought to have had a thick file on Marouf since he started his hate fest while still a student many years ago.

Jamil Jivani, nails it, noting a pattern of racism is being embedded in our institutions and it will produce more like Marouf. Listen to the podcast.


CAEF is supporting a petition under the sponsorship of MP Melissa Lantsman, to the House of Commons, calling for a full public inquiry. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION AND PASS IT ALONG.

Petition to the House of Commons

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AntiZionism is a Perversion, not Judaism

In light of the remarkable transformation of Israel, begun by European Zionists, carried out by Jews from all over the world, achieving the miraculous, one has no real need to acknowledge or consider the phenomenon of antiZionist Jews. Yet, they are in our midst, causing damage and threatening Jewish safety and security. How can this be? Are these anti-Israel proponents not Jews?

Since without Zionism, there is no Judaism, maybe it would be appropriate to reconstitute the Sanhedrin and excommunicate those who not only preach heretically against Israel, but take actions that are intended to hurt Israel, even eradicate the only Jewish state. We see their lies on bus ads in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, misleading the public with the lie of Israel being an apartheid state; and in campaigns to boycott, divest and sanction Israel (the sole goal of which is to eliminate the Jewish state), and in the ready and constant spewing of lies on campuses. Shockingly, these antiZionists make excuses to defend the enemies of Israel- militant terrorists in Gaza, street murderers in Israel, car ramming Islamists in Judea and Samaria, and others who take the lives of innocents, by pretentiously saying they have a noble cause of resisting an “occupation.” They have absorbed lies and they repeat all the lies. Jews, the indigenous people of Israel, were never occupiers. No land was stolen by Jews, most was purchased, then allocated by the UN in 1947, and more won in wars of defense against ruthless, antisemitic enemies.

The Jews did not ethnically cleanse any area, hence the population of non-Jews has grown exponentially and the number of mosques since 1948 actually increased 5-fold. While accusing Israel of “pinkwashing” for celebrating its diversity and gay rights, the idiot antiZionists never consider condemning the Arab states that arrest, torture and even kill gays.

No matter how they couch their idiocy in “progressive” jargon, the antiZionists are totally reactionary, ignoring the real civil rights movement for Jews, the history and legality to Jewish land claims in Israel, the oppressive occupation of lands stolen by Arabs, the former invaders, then absentee landlords, then invading foreign armies, and lastly, the ongoing illegal land grabs taking place in Area C.

But what to make of this antiZionism? Rabbi Daniel Gordis of Shalem College, addresses it here, in an article published on Substack. Here is an excerpt:

“Enough is enough,” not only about the tactics, but the worldview, too. It’s time to fight back and to declare that anti-Zionism is beyond the pale.


Dissolve or Reform UN Human Rights Council

Jews and Non-Jews need to demand that the Inhuman UN HRC be dissolved and not recreated unless under totally different circumstances. The former UN Human Rights Commission was dissolved because of its bias, only to be resurrected with a new name and mandate, but now operating with even more injustice and Jew hatred than previously. Since the majority members are from non democratic countries which do not recognize human rights and serve with impunity while spewing poisonous lies, there is little justification for its continuance. This article published in the thinc. Bulletin is based on an article by Gregory Rose that was published by the Australian Institute of International Affairs.



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