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An Open Letter to Canadian and American Zionists: Remove Arab Motivation for Terror

Dear Friends,

This letter addresses a Practical Proposal for Research and Policy Change that Could Save Lives.

A generation ago, the KGB and East Germany promoted the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to perpetuate the plight of the Arab refugees of the 1948 war, subjected to the indignity of 59 UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) refugee camps. The goal was to make it appear as if the Palestinian Arabs represent a popular movement for national liberation, not a displaced population that should be settled in humanitarian conditions, like any other refugee population.

Legacy of the KGB and East Germany

Today, Germany works with Russia, supporting an Arab terror network that brainwashes UNRWA refugee camp youth to overthrow the “Zionist entity” ie the State of Israel -- not with a two-state solution, but with a two-stage solution, by force of arms.

Accordingly, the PLO has imposed a new violent school system on UNRWA that indoctrinates the next generation for total war.

UNRWA allocates 58% of its $1.6 billion budget to "education" -- without adherence to UN principles of peace, rather countering the principles entirely.


The Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research has hired professional staff, fluent in Arabic, German and Russian, to assemble audiovisual evidence in order to expose the renewed Russo-German alliance in support of the terror network of the PLO and UNRWA, while presenting UNRWA donor nations with a counter-proposal to current UNRWA policy, a policy that confines 6.7 million Arabs to refugee camps, in perpetuity.

The solution:

Six Policy Challenges, to Guide UNRWA Policy Reform

  1. Cancel the new UNRWA curriculum which incorporate principles of Jihad, martyrdom and an “right of return” by force of arms, in UN schools which are supposed to promote the UNRWA slogan of “Peace Starts Here.”

  2. Cease paramilitary training in all UNRWA schools UNRWA should demonstrate commitment to UN principles for “peace education”.

  3. Insist that UNRWA dismiss employees who are affiliated with Hamas in accordance with laws on the books in Western nations, which forbid aid to any agency that employs members of a terrorist organization.

  4. Insist that UNRWA cancel its contract with “youth ambassador” Mohammad Assaf to travel the world encouraging violence. Would this not be the appropriate time for donor nations to ask that UNRWA cancel that contract with a harbinger of war?

  5. Ask for an audit of donor funds that flow to UNRWA This would address widespread documented reports of wasted resources, duplicity of services and the undesired flow of cash to Gaza-based terror groups, which gained control over UNRWA operations in Gaza over the past 18 years.

  6. Introduce UNHCR standards to UNRWA to advance the resettlement of Arab refugees, after 67 years. Current UNRWA policy is that refugee resettlement would interfere with the “right of return” to Arab villages that existed before 1948.

How to make a Canadian tax deductible donation to help sponsor this vital activity?

How to make a US tax deductible donation to help sponsor this vital activity?

Donations from the US can be made through 501(c)(3) tax exempt partner, The Lawfare Project. Indicate Funds are for Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research


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