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Are We Woke Yet? | CAEF Bulletin - Aug 19, 2022

Silence doesn’t end the violence. Silence IS violence.

Matan Tzinian was just 6 years old when struck by an Arab Palestinian whose car deviated from the road killing him on July 26, 2022. This was an act of terror.

The terrorist’s family will receive a life time reward. WILL THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA CONDEMN PAY-TO-SLAY? It has been suggested that cars are now weapons of intimidation and terror used by Arabs to kill Jews. Must Israel ban cars for some people? How do you get weapons out of the hands of terrorists when a kitchen knife, a pair of scissors, a family car—all kill?

Why do our MPs, MPPs, Senators and Media and local human rights and social justice organizations, say nothing when innocent Israelis are killed by Islamist terrorists?


Why is Peres a Hallowed Name?

In an article in JNS on August 14, 2022, David Bedein of the Nuhum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research challenges the eulogizing that positions the late President, Shimon Peres, as a great peace maker. Peres was a much lauded Israeli statesman and politician. Bedein points out the flaws in Peres’ thinking, actions, ideology and policies, and as importantly, some of the dangers that this caused for Israel and led to terrorism and the murder of Israelis.

David Bedein

Netflix is distributing the documentary called “Never Stop Dreaming: The Life and Legacy of Shimon Peres” by Moriah Films, a division of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which hails him as the eternal optimist. Bedein contends that the film maker ignores much reality that needs to be told. If Peres had acknowledged that Arafat never did sign the peace deal for which he was awarded a Nobel Prize, and if Peres had acknowledged the terror content in Palestinian Arab texts rather than pretending it had been eliminated, and if Peres had not armed the PLO, many lives would have been spared. This is a legacy very different from that told in the film.


Where is the “Moderate Palestinian Authority?”

Has there ever been a moderate PA leader? What does moderate mean—killing fewer Israelis? Using knives instead of rockets? Lying to the press in English to sound less antisemitic?

The West, especially European countries and the majority media, have long portrayed the PA as the best potential partner for peace with Israel, and compared that party to Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terror entities. But what is peaceful and moderate about denying Israel’s right to exist as the Jewish state, paying terrorists to kill Jews, teaching hate in all school textbooks, promoting BDS globally, naming institutions and structures after terrorists, denying or trivializing the Holocaust, murdering Arabs who support Israel, to name a few of the PA practices?

Read the position spoken by President Mahmoud Abbas, and never rescinded declaring no Israelis will remain in Palestine.

The PA’s major faction is Fatah, but the PLO, the PFLP and other terror entities have huge influence on Palestinian Authority decisions and actions. This chart, likely not entirely up to date, might help one to understand the complexity of Arab "resistance" (ie terrorism) and contradictions.


The Greatest Liar, Fraud, Jew Hater, Bigot, Terrorist

Cartoon by Yaakov Kirshner

President Mahmoud Abbas, has never strayed from his principles—death to Israel, death to Jews, no Jew will ever be allowed to live in Palestine. On August 16, 2022 Abbas claimed that Israel has committed 50 Holocausts against Palestinians, and during the recent visit of President Joe Biden he stood beside the US leader and claimed 74 years of occupation.

Abbas is a relentless liar and terrorist.

Note that on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 “German Chancellor Olaf Scholz took to Twitter to outline his response: ‘I am disgusted by the outrageous remarks made by Palestinian President Mahmoud #Abbas. For us Germans in particular, any relativization of the singularity of the Holocaust is intolerable and unacceptable. I condemn any attempt to deny the crimes of the Holocaust’. ”

If one is still looking for the “moderate PA” voice, consider this statement reported in Algemeiner, July 15,2022: The moderate PA then “called for escalating all forms of resistance … against aggressive colonial and Zionist policies” which is a lightly veiled call for terror attacks.

The article by blogger, the Elder of Ziyon, reports more egregious feedback from other Palestinian organizations that hate the relations between the US and Israel that were on display during President Biden’s recent trip.


The Origins of the PLO, PA and Ongoing Conflict

Read a paper by the late Wallace Edward Brand, a lawyer who wrote many well researched papers on the legality of Jewish statehood, the lie of claiming the Jewish settlements are illegal, and most importantly, how the former Soviet Union created the Palestinian people, the fake peace process, and the Palestine Liberation Organization to thwart America, and extend Soviet domination in the Middle East.


Are Jewish Leaders Up to the Challenge of Defending Israel and Jewish Rights and Combating Antisemitism?

Watch this video with Caroline Glick interviewing Avi Goldwasser and Charles Jacobs, founders of the Jewish Leadership Project.


Palestinian Arab Intolerance on Display

The woke LGBTQ+ community supports anti-Israel campaigns so watch how Palestinians view the LGBTQ+ community. Are the Woke even Awake?


As Antisemitism Surges, listen to Human Rights Lawyer, Brooke Goldstein, Founder of the Lawfare Project and the End Jew Hatred Movement

In this interview with podcaster/journalist John Aidan Byrne, Brooke explains the growing global antisemitism at the controversy at public universities.



Frequent writer Richard Sherman shared this letter to the New York Times.

Dear Letter to the Editor:

Peter Beinart demonstrating that he has become the New York Times' mouthpiece for the antisemitic mad mullahs of Iran who have declared since 1979 that their primary foreign policy goal is the genocide of the Jewish population of Israel is demanding that Israel with United States' assistance disclose its entire nuclear defence strategy to Iran. ("America Needs To Start Telling The Truth About Israel's Nukes"). The is the psychotic equivalent of asking President Harry Truman in late July of 1945 to publicly disclose the truth about America's nukes to Japan. Beinart's position designed to leave Israel defenseless in the face of Iran's nuclear threat to Israel places him as the pre eminent antisemitic jew of the last one hundred years ahead of Gertrude Stein and Rudolf Kastner. Further The New York Times has moved beyond the antisemitism of Arthur Hayes Sulzberger who chose to bury the Holocaust to the pro active antisemitism of the present Times' owners and editors who obviously support Beinart's position of leaving the Jewish population of Israel defenseless against Iran's nuclear threat. In promoting Beinart's antisemitic goal of leaving Israel defenseless, The Times has achieved antisemitic journalistic parity with Der Sturmer.


They are Lying About the Jews Again: St. John’s Metrobus Antisemitic Ads

CAEF has been offering significant support to the Jewish community of St. John’s which came together to protest the Metrobus ads that were placed by antiZionist organizations falsely claiming Israel is an apartheid state. We are familiar with this propaganda campaign that has been discredited by our own and other governments but is still pervasive.

Independent Jewish Voices and a local pro-Palestinian solidarity group paid for the ads and have no shame in the Jew hatred that they initiate. The community has experienced a rise in antisemitic acts since the posting. CAEF asked that the bus ads be removed, prepared a ppt presentation for City Council and sent a letter to the Transportation Commission which is tasked with the decision about the ads, having approved them initially.

Virtual meetings with the local community were chaired by Andria Spindel and included representatives from Chabad, the Hevurah and the Conservative synagogue, as well as the Atlantic Jewish Council and CIJA. The meeting confirmed a Steering Committee to guide decisions and share information.

Letters from CAEF and community members requested an opportunity to present to City Council but were denied and deferred to the Transportation Commission which has responsibility for Metrobus. Letters to the Commission requesting an opportunity to present were also denied, though CAEF did share a ppt presentation with all Councillors and the Commission. It is not known if it was viewed.

CBC’s local radio show did an interview that led with bias, offered much more time to the apartheid message supporters and inferred that the statement in the ad has some merit. Various letters have appeared in the local paper and online and most called for removal of the bus ads.

On August 19th, CAEF and St. John’s Jewish community reps were informed that the Transportation Commission met and decided not to hear presentations, and that on the advice of legal counsel the ads would remain in keeping with the right of freedom of speech and decisions of the courts in regards to the acceptance of political ads in public places. The ads are worded in such a way that they don’t have to make a truthful statement, only that they reflect that the claim some NGO made the statement is factual. Of course, it is well recognized that the organizations making these statements are perennially antiZionist and promote an antisemitic bias.

Some of the letters shared are posted on the CAEF website and can be viewed here, here, here, and here along with the latest letter from CAEF and Transportation Commission’s latest response.

CIJA has offered strategic advice, communications support and other resources as has B’nai Brith Canada. CAEF hopes that a well- developed, coordinated action plan will evolve quickly, defeat this propaganda, and have the City adopt policies that exemplify how to End Jew Hatred before it spreads to other cities.


Advocacy and Action

Our sincerest congratulations to Lisa Levitan on being awarded the Anti-Racism and Equity Activist Award by the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario. CAEF is proud to be working with Lisa, proud of her accomplishments, proud to partner with her on plans for Rise Up Ottawa, November 6th, 2022, and happy that ETFO finally recognized the importance of combating antisemitism! Mazel tov Lisa!


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