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CAEF Letter to President and Dean of CUNY New York re Cancel showing of antisemitic film "Israelism"

Stop Antisemitism, Stop Showing of anti-Israel film

November 15, 2023

Dear President Kirschner and Dean Rose;

It has come to the attention of the Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation that Hunter College is planning to show the hostile, antisemitic film, Israelism. This film was made with the intention of undermining support for Israel, showing a biased, untrue perspective.

Every country has its flaws and failings, and Israel is not perfect. Would Hunter College encourage viewing of a film that depicts other democratic countries poorly, and why? Israel actually hits the highest of moral standards? Israel, a democracy, is far and above any other Middle East country in terms of civil rights, interfaith freedoms, and following the rule of law.

As you know there is a tremendous rise in antisemitism across the US, Canada and other Western countries and much of it is fueled by lies, demonization of Israel, double standards applied to Israel and delegitimization suggesting the country is illegal. These are all easily identified as anti-Jewish tropes and yet a film like Israelism includes such lies. Isn't it time that truth prevailed and all colleges took steps to lessen not increase Jew hatred?

We hope you will take the right steps and cancel the planned showing, and encourage all other colleges to act morally and responsibly and cancel viewings of Israelism.


Andria Spindel, Executive Director

Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation

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