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CAEF Weekly Bulletin - Enemies Within - August 1, 2019

Enemies Within


IfNotNow burst onto the public stage in 2014 and entered the public discourse about “Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict” a few short years ago with such targeted anti-Israel stunts as traveling with Birthright groups to Israel then slandering the organization, demanding equal time with Arab-Palestinians and the presentation of a historical Arab narrative; thus gaining  tons of media attention.

IfNotNow, bills itself as a grassroots Jewish organization dedicated to ending the support for Israel’s “occupation”.  However, a close examination of the group’s roots and leadership show that it is not really what it is claiming, but is rather part of a larger movement to denigrate and delegitimize Israel. Their leaders have roots in JStreet, affiliation with Jewish Voice for Peace, and more upsetting, the organization has reportedly, also allied with American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), a distinctly antisemitic organization.

A report published online by the Canadian Institute of Jewish Research and linked here, reveals that IfNotNow, is part of a wider network of well-funded far left activist organizations with links to the Momentum Movement, which began in England as a people’s movement to transform the Labour Party. Here is a key line from the Momentum home page:  "As a nation-wide socialist movement, we have the solutions and skills to make Britain a country for the many, not the few. And we’re ambitious about what society would look like." Momentum has spent much time covering for Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour Party's long list of antisemitic acts.

This alignment with Momentum and its several far-Left manifestations might explain how IfNotNow has the funds to pay someone a $66 000 consultant’s fee.

IfNotNow's agenda is totally questionable, its leaders are trained by the Ayni Institute which has an agenda with purposes unrelated to Israel, Jews or Palestine.

It's imperative to understand that IfNotNow's alignment with the largest anti-Israel organization in the US, the American Muslims for Palestine(AMP) is support for violence in America. Young Jews are being influenced against Israel. The leadership of AMP in America calls for murder of Jews and claims that being Jewish is a crime!!!  If watching this video doesn’t scare one into seeing the next Holocaust coming, then I would ask, what did we learn from the last one? Organizing Hatred: American Muslims for Palestine

We highly recommend reading this article by Canary Mission since organizations like IfNotNow are popping up throughout North America’s Jewish communities including Canada. They are doing a very good job of winning over our youth.  As well, they are also gaining influence in Left-wing political parties, most of which love to hold up examples of anti-Zionist Jews to cover for their own miscreant antisemitic behaviour.  If we do not confront this travesty of lies and defamation of Israel, then expect the Anti-Zionist positions to become more mainstream in the near future and more attractive to our young people.

Media:  FACT Purveyor or Opinion Creator

For a very long time I loved the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), but for some years now I have been disheartened by the steady feed of anti-Israel bias. Now I am tired of the empty-headed reporting of not so important U.S. news, in particular the twittering of the President whom the Left loves to hate. Surely, there are more important stories to report than the tweets of Trump. Here is my letter to the President and CEO of CBC, Catherine Tait. requesting that at least equal attention be given to the purveyors of hatred and lies who sit in Congress and tweet antisemitic tropes and promote BDS, anti-American policies and an extreme leftist agenda. I share this letter, as I share my frustration, with no expectation of a response nor a change in the political agenda of the CBC. Read the full letter here.

More Lies — The British Socialist Fight Organization

If you haven’t heard of this one, be prepared to hear a horror, a plan to destroy Israel completely as a Jewish state, spoken by Gerry Downing on a pro-Hezbollah TV station, June 24, 2019. U.K. Socialist Fight Organization Activist: Israel Must Be Destroyed Because It Is Racist, Genocidal

Brigitte Bass Reports on Justice Department Antisemitism Summit

Our member, Brigitte Bass and her husband Michael Bass, had the opportunity to attend the first comprehensive day long summit in Washington which addressed antisemitism in all its facets. Below is Brigitte's report.

"Michael and I were honored to be invited to the DOJ Summit on Antisemitism, on July 15th in Washington, DC. This summit was spearheaded by Attorney General William Barr and included Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, Elan Carr the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin, Director of the FBI Christopher Wray, and a number of panelists who discussed issues such as Prosecuting Hate Crimes, and Combating Antisemitism while respecting the First Amendment. Fortunately the Trump Administration realizes the importance of this frightening cancer that is metastasizing globally. One of the major panel discussions was Anti-Semitism on Campus and this is where Michael's findings were presented. Michael has, since 2015, been researching and documenting the billions of dollars flowing into US Colleges from Middle East nations.  This funding, estimated at around $6Billion dollars, has established and sustained the actively anti-Semitic Middle East Study Centers and seen to be the crucial element in creating the anti-Semitic environment on US campuses. It was gratifying to hear, over the course of this day, that awareness and concerns over Anti-Semitism are being addressed and hope that this will be the beginning of combatting this evil."

Photos by Brigitte A. Bass

Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights Impact Felt at Conference in Israel

Goldi Steiner, founder and Co-Chair of Canadians for Israel's Legal Rights (CILR) and Mark Vandermaas, Official Lecturer for CILR, were present at the Im Tirtzu organized conference in Tel Aviv on July 28, 2019, and as reported by Arutz Sheva, attendees were presented with outstanding speakers who presented facts regarding the Nation State Law, the leftist lies propagated by NGOs like IfNotNow and B’Tselem, and insights into the failure of the Oslo Accords.

"The Nation-State Law cements in law the Jewish People's national rights, but does not infringe on anyone else's civil rights," stated Avi Dichter (shown above), former Director of the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security agency and a Member of the Knesset. Goldi Steiner said that learning about Israel's rights is the key to combating false claims against Israel. Hence the goal of CILR is to spread the truth about Israel’s historical legal rights and promote greater teaching of the history to Canadians, as well as supporting this teaching in Israel. Through a two year funded project, CILR in partnership with Im Tirtzu, has delivered an innovative educational program to university students across Israel, using the much heralded book by the late Salomon Benzimra, The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel.  Read more here

World Israel News, published an article July  29, 2019 quoting Dichter who said the the PA is 100% to blame for the failure of the 1993 Oslo Accords, and of course the evidence is clear on this. Dichter cited evidence of Yasser Arafat, then PLO Chairman, introducing terror, not fighting it, and introducing the Palestinian program that continues to pay terrorists jailed in Israel for murder of Israelis, read Jews. The US Congress passed the Taylor Force Act only last year, to prohibit funding the PA because of this brutal and blunt antisemitic, anti-humane policy.  Read more here

In recognition of the tremendous work done by Goldi in pursuit of truth and justice, in defending Israel’s legal rights, she was presented with this tribute gift printed on canvas. CAEF joins with Im Tirtzu in celebrating her staunch and ever creative commitment to Israel's Legal Rights.

CAEF Dismayed that Vancouver City Council Postponed Vote on Adopting  IHRA Definition of Antisemitism.

While it may be ”open-minded” for the City Council of Vancouver to consider a broader look at racism, antisemitism and anti-Muslim bigotry, the decision to delay adoption of a resolution that defines antisemitism, is potentially a step in the wrong direction. Many federal governments, including Canada, have already adopted the IHRA definition as have a multitude of cities across the globe. As Jews are the most targeted group for acts of hatred, as is well documented, the notion of a broader motion often means less attention to the bigger issue, which unfortunately IS antisemitism. We applaud Councillor Sarah Kirby-Young for bringing forward the motion in the first place, and await the report that comes back to Council. Read the full letter here.

In the meantime, CAEF is urging Toronto Mayor and Council to adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism.

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