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Caring and Action—CAEF Bulletin April 30, 2021

20,000 Protest Injustice for Jews in France, Large Numbers across the Globe

The article by Cnaan Lipshiz with accompanying photo in the Jewish Telegraph Agency, April 25, 2021 shows the massive dissatisfaction that Jews expressed in France with a justice system that allows murder of Jews with impunity. Support for the Jews of France and the family of Sarah Halimi, z”l was expressed in many cities including London, Marseilles, Washington D.C., LA, New York, Tel Aviv, Miami, Rome, and Toronto. The visuals speak the immense feeling of betrayal that Jews feel, that an injustice can’t be denied, and that the laws and application of the laws must change.

A crowd of more than 20,000 people took part in the demonstration in memory of Sarah Halimi in Trocadero square, Paris, April 25, 2021. (Andrea Savorani Neri/NurPhoto)

Alexander Korin Photographer

An interesting and important strategy to bring the killer to justice is being investigated, as reported by the BBCNews online: Israel's criminal law may apply to antisemitic crimes committed abroad that have been denounced by an Israeli citizen, in this case Ms Halimi's sister Esther Lekover. However, France does not extradite its nationals.

Ms Lekover's two lawyers "deplore being forced to expedite this procedure, but they cannot accept a denial of justice which offends reason and fairness far beyond the Jewish community of France".

The murder of Sarah Halimi added to other acts of violence against Jews, was described as part of the “Four Travesties of Justice” by David Harris, CEO of the American Jewish Committee,in this article published in The Times of Israel on April 22, 2021. Harris gives more illustrative examples from Europe that show inaction resulting in antisemitic acts being unpunished. Clearly “Never Again” means less and less as time passes and Jew hatred explodes, often masked as AntiZionism. By using words like Zionist instead of Jew, the perpetrators of hate are ignored, allowed, supported, and Jews denied justice.

Read here how one judge in France responded to the decision to not try the murderer of Sarah Halimi on the ridiculous defense that he was high on marijuana and what the judge described as a catastrophic decision.


Three Issues that Canada Must Champion

  1. Canada must withhold funds and demand proof of UNRWA’s rewrite of ALL texts and teachers’ manuals that are antisemitic, deny Israel’s legitimate right to exist and blame Jews or Israelis as a people for any and all evils in the world. Canada must call a meeting of the Refugee Working Group and demand that the definition of “refugee” apply equally to all people who can demonstrate such status.

  2. Canada must continue to reject any International Criminal Court investigation of the false claims of war crimes by Israel, over which it has no jurisdiction, and for which it made the extraordinary and unfounded claim that Palestine is a state.

  3. Canada must continue to take a stand against the false, malicious, racist, antisemitic claim that was made at the Durban Conference 20 years ago, that Zionism is Racism. Canada was among the very few principled countries that did not support what became the Durban Declaration, and has since rejected Durban II and Durban III. Once again the purveyors of Jew Hatred are back with their false claims and “dirty” document to espouse the same old lie.

Canada took the lead in boycotting Durban II, and Durban III, and must do the same in regards to Durban IV. The UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution to convene Durban IV, and Canada voted against it. It is a foregone conclusion that the conference will simply adopt the original Durban Declaration and call for its “full and effective implementation.” NOW, Canada must stand firm, stand tall, and not cave to a wave of Jew Hatred—pull out of Durban IV, denounce the old antisemitic messaging and demonstrate that truth must prevail.


Experts speak about the UN Durban Programme: register below

UKLFI Charitable Trust and Combat Anti-Semitism Invites you to a webinar on “The UN’s Durban Programme: what is it and how should the UK respond?” With Prof. Anne Bayefsky and Baroness Ruth Deech Chaired by Sam Green On Monday 10 May 2021 at 6pm UK time (7pm Europe, 8pm Israel, 1pm US East Coast, 10am US West Coast)



AFFIRMED AT SAN REMO, April 25, 1920

CAEF was pleased to be the special sponsor of a special program organized by Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights (CILR), Im Tirtzu and the Zionist Organization of American in celebration of the 101st anniversary of the San Remo Conference and the significant Resolutions that came out of it—essentially declaring the res-establishment of the Jewish homeland in Israel. Detractors ought to ask themselves why they think Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq are legal if they don’t agree that Israel is legal as all were essentially ascribed territory at that conference.

So, if the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers divided Ottoman lands they conquered which today makes several independent Arab countries legitimate, then so is Israel, fully, absolutely, eternally.

Former Toronto resident and self-described anthropologist-at-large, well respected writer and development consultant, Geoffrey Clarfield wrote a wonderful piece for the New English Review on the single-minded, purposeful, most unapologetic Zionist in Toronto, Ms Goldi Steiner. Founder and Co-Chair of CILR, Goldi may prove that if you will it, it will come as she resolutely commits to Israeli sovereignty, the debunking of Palestinian myths and lies, and the incontrovertible truth about Israel’s rights. We pay homage to Goldi in sharing this article. Read here.


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