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A Vigil and Varied Voices | CAEF Bulletin September 10, 2021

End Jew Hatred Vigil Because Every Jew Counts

On September 2nd, End Jew Hatred Canada, a movement powered by CAEF, held a vigil at Earl Bales Park in mid-town Toronto, for two young men whose lives were cut short by the hatred of others, leaving their families, friends and communities overwhelmed with grief. The entire global Jewish community was struck a blow but stands strong and resolved.

We remember yeshiva student Shmuel Silverberg, killed outside his school in Denver, after 5 hooligans who’d escaped a juvenile facility, hunted him down. We remember Israeli border policeman Barel Shmueli, who was murdered by a terrorist who shot him in the head while guarding the Gaza border and protecting others from rioters.

We remember, and we honour them for they honoured us, and as Jeff Dorfman said at the vigil, one embodied the spiritual commitment to the Jewish people and the other, the physical commitment. Both were spoken of as guardians of Judaism and Israel, as our light and leaders, taken mercilessly by Jew haters, enemies of our people.

Speakers at the vigil included Anita Bromberg, co-chair of End Jew Hatred Canada and President of CAEF, Cantor Michael Black, Mariana Fox, IDF veteran, university student, Israeli/Canadian, Jeff Dorfman, VP of CAEF and several individuals who attended the vigil and voluntarily added their thoughts and feelings. Read story in


A message from Tom and Brenda

CAEF friends sent a message that they could not attend the vigil in person, but they were holding one on their own. This message received September 3rd.

“We are attaching photos of our vigil to lift Shmuel Silverberg and Barel Shmueli in prayer and remembrance. Too long has the children of Israel been removed from life. We are very saddened.”

Tom & Brenda & family


Readers Write

Allan Stanley Edwards-Krett was born in London, UK in 1932 and lived through the blitz. On watching the rocket attacks from Hamas that rained down on Israel in May this year he submitted a personal story to CAEF about his experience as a child, his understanding of Israel’s historic and legal rights, and his fears for Israel and the Jewish people as the madman of Iran and the Islamist Arabs conspire to eradicate Israel as Hitler and the Mufti of Jerusalem and others conspired to eradicate the Jewish people. The Nazis did more than conspire—they acted heinously. The fear today is palpable as the Ayatollah and their Iranian proxies, act out on Israel with regularity. Is history repeating itself asks Krett?

Is History Repeating Itself?

When I read about people running for cover in the midst of falling rockets, I am reminded of me as a seven-year-old boy in London in 1940 during the blitz. Every night sirens went off to warn us of enemy planes coming over to bomb us indiscriminately with high explosives and incendiary bombs. In our house we did not go up to bed, we went down into the cellar where our family beds were.

This was an improvement from going into our garden, into the recently built Anderson shelter. We listened to the drone of the planes, the ack-ack fire, the blast of the high explosives, which depending how close the hit, would send reverberations though the walls. We had our buckets of sand and shovels on broom handles, for the adults to rush upstairs to the attic, when they thought an incendiary had pierced the roof, hoping to snuff out the fire before it got started. When the enemy planes with empty bomb bays started their return journey to Germany, the all- clear sounded, we would get ready to walk to school, on the way picking up pieces of shrapnel, some still warm. Sometimes, the school was no longer there, it had received a direct hit from a high explosive! This was the norm for about seven months, although there were daylight air raids as well, and other cities were also being bombed in a similar manner.

Why did this situation arise?

Was it because in the 1930s, Adolph Hitler wished to annihilate the Jewish race and had a strategic plan for world domination? As he gained power in Austria and Germany, concerns were raised outside of Germany, but the European world felt his extreme rhetoric was only for show, and his threats were ignored, even when he supported Franco in the Spanish Civil War in 1936, which provided the German military with combat experience for their latest technology.

In May 1942 Britain started retaliatory air raids on German cities dropping high explosive and incendiaries on cities like Cologne, Berlin, Dresden and others, causing extensive damage, death and fire. By the Time WWII ended in 1945, 75 million people had died, about 20 million in the military and the rest due to deliberate genocide, massacres, mass bombing, disease and starvation.

Iran is using Hamas and Hezbollah, two terrorist groups as testing grounds for their rockets and technology, and if allowed, nuclear devices will be in their arsenal for their proposed domination of the western world.

Both the “moderates” and the “radicals” in Iran want Islam to play a major role in the world scene, whereas America supports a world order which does not differentiate among nations on religious grounds.

Remember Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has stated on many occasions he is determined to destroy Israel. He states he does not want to eliminate Jews, but rather just to eliminate Israel, and deny its legitimacy and its right to exist. Remember Israel is the indigenous home of the Jewish people for nigh on three thousand years.

For those who are currently being educated by social media and question the legitimacy of Israel and consider Israel a colonizer in the Middle East, I offer some ancient and recent date facts:


Jews Don’t Count, Book Review by Jonathan Usher

One prolific letter writer sent word about a book he’d recently read and we felt that other readers of this Bulletin might find it informative and a way to understand the situation that Jews find themselves in today as antisemitism becomes normalized. Here is the link to Jonathan’s review of Jews Don’t Count by David Baddiel. Making it “acceptable” is a sign of the times and a terrible sign of where we stand in history and doesn’t bode well for where things are going.


This Election Don’t Vote Palestine; Vote for Justice, Peace and Freedom

A really ugly antisemitic campaign is being played out by 50+ anti-Israel organizations under the banner #VotePalestine. That all candidates are being asked to pledge their hatred of Israel, to deny the truth, to stand against justice, and to share bigotry that comes from demonizing Israel and a false “narrative” about the plight of Arabs whose real tormentors are their own leaders, is a sign that the Canadian electorate are being treated like idiots and fed the fodder of hatred. When there are scores of serious injustices in this world, with the latest tragedy unfolding in Afghanistan just as our election was called, what does it say about the these obscenely obsessed Jew haters?

#PallywoodMitzvahMedia, where lies are met with the truth, a Canada/USA initiative sent us an alternate message to share widely and we encourage everyone reading this to share it. Take a stand for humanity. Post these on your social media, email to friends.


The BDS Movement is a Genocidal Antisemitic Movement, Nothing Less

How easily people are duped, particularly our young people, Jews and Non-Jews. We have an obligation to investigate what is being said about Israel and our people, so why don’t more people do it? Why is it so easy for Jews to stand against the only Jewish state, to criticize her endlessly, to side with her enemies, even those sworn to her destruction? Does it not strike these BDSers that bringing Israel to her knees which is their goal, is a call for the murder of Jews? Of course the leadership of BDS, including the Canadian BDS Coalition knows what its goal is—“from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” There is no country called Palestine and there never was. The call to create a Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, is a commitment to eradicate the country of Israel, which can only happen with another genocide so why is this call for genocide not being taken seriously, and the people charged with incitement to terrorism?

Below is notice of yet another anti-Israel rally, a call to blame Israel for something that isn’t true—Israel is not a colonial state, and even if she were, it doesn’t justify murder. Canada was settled by colonialists and despite the current trend to demonize everything White and European, Canada is a great and tolerant nation, and erasing or rewriting history doesn’t make it true.

So, facts about Israel matter: Jews are indigenous to Israel, Jews acquired the land legally, and Jews were granted a large part of the Mandate for Palestine in 1920 to re-constitute the Jewish state and purchased land from absentee landlords. Jews did not drive out Arabs; the Arab legions did that. Arabs who remained are Israelis. Arabs in the disputed territories cannot claim refugee status and still claim to be living on their historic lands-another great piece of propaganda well-funded by the UN and their EU friends. Arabs in Judea and Samaria had Jordanian citizenship after Jordan illegally occupied the land from 1948-67 so why did they summarily revoke citizenship from their friends and kin?

Share the message below from #PallywoodMitzvahMedia on social media and email to others. The time to stand up against the lies is NOW


Ask Your Candidates if They Support Terror—Then Tell them About UNRWA

It is hardly a secret that the UN Relief and Works Agency keeps alive the myth of multitudinous Palestinian Arab refugees by conveniently ignoring the literal definition of a refugee and counting the descendants, into the 5th generation of those Arabs who once lived in Eretz Yisroel as “refugees.” This is also ensured by the Arab host countries complicity in not settling their kith and kin who are maintained in what are still called “camps” though often are urban neighborhoods.

That deception which has rewarded UNRWA with billions of donor country dollars is supported of course by the terrorists, Hamas and Fatah and other jihadists, as well as the Palestinian Authority, the ruling dictators over the Arabs in mostly area A of Judea and Samaria. To add to the insanity of UNRWA’s overused and unsupportable mandate, is the fact that the educational texts used in their schools, all reinforce the antisemitic narrative that denies Israel’s existence, claims Israel is an apartheid state and that the land is all “Palestinian.”

This narrative has been recently described to this writer as “the Arabs have claimed the Jewish narrative, including our history, so they say Israelis are not true Jews and the Palestinians are the real Jews who have always lived on the land and were pushed out by European invaders/occupies.” This revisionism is so deep and entrenched that according to one Arab speaking Israeli, “ The Arabs claim the Torah was given to them, all of our prophets back to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses etc. were Muslim and therefore the Jews have no claim to the land, the Torah, the Temple or anything else.” (This is when I want to say, “put that in your pipe and smoke it!”

On September 14th join CAEF’s Executive Director, Andria Spindel in a webinar to learn more about the terror training of UNRWA students by Hamas is preparing them for the invasion of Israel to “reclaim their homeland,” and see the textbooks in Arabic with English translations to understand the truth about the way funds are applied to “educate” for Jew hatred.

Which party will demonstrate they care about the threat to Jews and withhold funding?

Read more -- the UNRWA Commissioner-General, Philippe Lazzarini, concurs that textbooks include antisemitism and glorify terrorism, as reported in JNS on September 9th, 2021.


Canada will Not Party at UN’s Durban IV Celebration

CAEF is grateful that Canada, along with 15 other countries, isn’t playing ball with the Jew haters at the 20th anniversary of the World Conference Against Racism which unleashed the Jew haters. It is highly likely that the 170+ countries who will attend will once again invoke discriminatory language to demonize Israel or re-energize the Durban Declaration which 20 years ago set the stage for BDS and other hateful actions against the one Jewish state.

Get the full story, hear from world experts, stand up for Israel, Join #StopDurbanIV.


Words from MK Michal Cotler-Wunsh

from Jerusalem Post

This Canadian Israeli MK has a special role to play as a spokesperson for diaspora Jews. Here is a short excerpt from her Rosh Hashonah message:

“As we move into this New Year, I draw strength from the words of Avraham Infeld, Nefesh B’Nefesh 2020 Bonei Zion Lifetime Achievement Award recipient: ‘We are not a religion. We have a religion. We are not a culture. We have a culture. We are not a country. We have a country. We are a people.’ “

Let us all stand up for the Jewish people! End Jew Hatred in our Lifetime.


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