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CAEF Letter to TMU Dean Donna Young re Law Students endorsing terrorism

October 25, 2023

Dean Donna Young

Lincoln Alexander Law School

Toronto Metropolitan University

Dear Dean Young,

The Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation wishes to express shock and disgust at the recent letter produced and signed by TMU law students which denigrates and demonizes the Jewish state and supports the vicious terrorist entity operating in Gaza which threatens the lives of all Israel and all Gazans.

Reference the news story and letter here:

That Law students who should be learning about history, documented facts, and legal matters under both international and local laws have the ignorance, arrogance and audacity to produce such bigoted and antisemitic garbage, raises serious questions about the education they are getting at the Lincoln Alexander Law School of TMU. Lies about Jews is the tip of the iceberg, as we learned from the Holocaust. The massacre on October 7th of innocent people, not just Jews, but also of Israeli Arabs, and foreign nationals, as well as Jews of all political positions and levels of religious observance, was an act by barbaric Islamist totalitarian Jew hater s who also hate America, democracy, freedom, equality, diversity and inclusion, key concepts for “social justice warriors.”

We ask, who are the faculty members who are misleading your students into believing lies and misinformation? Who are the administrators who have accepted such individuals into a program at your university? What is being taught and how are you achieving your goal of graduating the next generation of competent, fair-minded, tolerant citizens?

CAEF supports the call from B’nai Brith Canada to immediately expel all the students who signed the hateful terror-supporting letter. Committing terror is illegal, and supporting it is inhumane, and poses a potential danger to the Jewish community and others who support humanity and the values of life and liberty. The letter and its source must be condemned by the university at all levels.

All students must be engaged in learning the truth and even those who support Palestinian Arabs in Gaza must know that Hamas is also killing Gazan civilians.

CAEF won't try to persuade you to stand up for the Jews, the world can only tolerate one victim at a time and the Palestinian Arabs have a long-time lease, but I would ask you to have your faculty and students consider condemning the following actions without any reference to the ethnicity of the victims.

  1. Beheading of babies.

  2. Mass raping of women so violently that their pelvis becomes broken.

  3. Gouging out of the eyes of the dead.

  4. Throwing babies into a bonfire and burning them alive.

  5. The mass shooting of young people at a music festival.

  6. Shooting parents in front of their children.

  7. Shooting children in front of their parents.

  8. Beheading of elderly Holocaust survivors (sorry you might emit this one because it has a Jewish connotation and under no circumstances would some people consider Jews as victims).


Andria Spindel

Executive Director

Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation

Attachment; names of signatories to the pro-Hamas/anti-Israel letter:


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