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Sad Losses and Some Gains | CAEF Bulletin, January 12, 2025

Writer's picture: CAEFCAEF

Two Souls Who Cared Deeply about Israel and the Jewish People

Charles Cooke

It is with a heavy heart that CAEF announces the passing of our board member Charles Cooke on January 5, 2025.  As our Government Relations Representative, Charles made a significant contribution to our mission to combat hate. He was a true Zionist with a deep passion for Israel and Judaism, totally devoted to advocating for Israel, the hostages and to fighting Antisemitism.

Charles expressed love for his family, his Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish community of Toronto, and his original community of Montreal. He dove deeply into issues that would assist in his writings and advocacy in combating antisemitism.

Charles was a lawyer, who on retirement, devoted himself to the people and causes he loved.

We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family including his wife Barbara Katz and children Abbey and Miles.  May his memory be a blessing.

Olga Meshoe Washington

CAEF is deeply saddened by the passing of Olga Meshoe Washington on January 6, 2025, and extends sincerest condolences to her family.  Olga was one of the brightest lights defending Israel. Olga suffered a serious medical emergency while travelling back to the USA from her native South Africa. She leaves two small children, Judah and Ezra, and her husband Joshua Washington, Executive Director of IBSI, the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel.

Through her own career as CEO of Defend Embrace Invest (in) Support Israel (DEISI) and COO of the international Zionist youth organization Club Z, and a board member of IBSI, Olga travelled extensively forging relations with Jewish organizations, individuals and communities, teaching truth, and calling for justice for Israel on the world stage. She was a lawyer, a devout Christian, a passionate advocate, and an educator. May her memory be a blessing.


Hard Truths in Film, Dying to Live

Rev Majid El Shafie, Founder of One Free World International, traveled to Israel and along with documentarian, Chris Atkins, produced a remarkable film about the events of October 7, 2023, its aftermath and the story of survivors.

The film premiered at the Toronto Zionist Centre and was shown again on Sunday January 5th at the Friends of Jesus Christ Church in Scarborough. Opening remarks were given by Donna Holbrook, National  Director of ICEJ Canada, (shown below).

The film is available to be shown in person or virtually in any city or town, by Jewish or Christian organizations, or other defenders of Israel. For information or bookings, contact:

Dying to Live

CAEF and Temple Sinai Extending Education

Andria Spindel, Executive Director, CAEF (right) and Maya Cohen, Executive Diretor, Temple Sinai, Toronto
Andria Spindel, Executive Director, CAEF (right) and Maya Cohen, Executive Diretor, Temple Sinai, Toronto

The Board of CAEF is pleased to contribute to Temple Sinai’s Special Israel Project that enables non Jewish community leaders, social influencers, media experts and others to learn more about Israel, antisemitism and how to take action. Andria Spindel, Executive Director presented a cheque for $10,000 to the synagogue’s Executive Director, Maya Cohen.

They are identical, aren't they?

Diane Bederman, author, blogger, commentator, has written extensively on the history of antisemitism, the audacious nature of antisemites, the trauma induced aspects of today’s antisemitism. People often argue that there is no negative message associated with the kaffiyeh, adorning Arab and non Arab anti-Israel agitators, but Bederman addresses this succinctly, and with historical accuracy in her December 30th, 2024.

For more information about the evolution of the keffiyeh, read here.


Canadian Jewish Organizations Which Protest Against Israel

Some Jewish organizations contribute to antisemitism and endanger all of us. Some groups may be supporting the hostages but working against Israel. A recent study shows the connections between various Jewish facing organizations which protest against Israel and terror supporting organizations, which oppose Israel’s existence.

Watch this video by Marsha Kleiner then decide for yourself.


Zionist Broadcaster in Australia

Watch Erin Molan, leading Zionist broadcaster in Australia, who cheers Israel on, denounces antiZionists, including the current Australian government, speaks to influence of protesters in terror attacks. 


Defenders of Israel Honoured

As reported by Israel365, “Israel’s Knesset celebrated 50 outstanding advocates for Israel at the “Voices of Iron Ceremony” on Tuesday (January 7, 2025). The event, hosted by Likud Member of Knesset Dan Illouz, brought together defenders of Israel from both domestic and international spheres during the current Israel-Hamas War.

MK Illouz emphasized that the advocates were defending not just Israel but basic human rights. 

‘Supporting Israel is not about Left or Right. It’s not about political ideology. It’s about truth. It’s about justice; it’s about the fundamental right of a nation to defend its people against slaughter,’ Illouz said.

‘What unites us is not politics but principle: the unwavering belief that terror must never be rewarded, evil must never be justified, and Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people, will never be alone.’

Rabbi Tuly Weisz, founder of Israel365, was among the distinguished honorees. Other notable honorees at the ceremony included influencers Lizzy Savetsky, Shabbos Kastenbaum, Elon Levy, and Hillel Fuld, representing the diverse range of voices speaking up for Israel during this critical time.

Gil Hoffman, the executive director of Honest Reporting, emphasized the necessity for Israel advocates. ‘I appreciate the recognition from the Knesset for the success of Honest Reporting’s fight against biased coverage of Israel. We depend on an army of Jewish and Christian volunteers around the world who care about Israel and send examples of problematic reporting to or point them out on our social media.’”


Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem, Report January 8, 2025



We are pleased to report that almost all videos from Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem Academic Symposium 2024 at Bible Lands Museum are now online. Many transcripts are also available.

Much of the current animosity toward Israel has roots in academia. We believe our inaugural Academic Symposium has been an important first step in confronting the false narrative that has flowed from academia into media, politics and mainstream culture. Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem is committed to holding other academic events in 2025 to further build a body of material to confront the lies and strengthen Indigenous identity.


Advocacy and Action

Hizb ut-Tahrir, a listed terrorist organization in the UK and several other countries, has announced a conference, cancelled in 2024, would not be held on January 18, 2025, in Mississauga, Ontario, entitled Khalifah Conference 2025. The agenda pretty clearly spells out its support for suicide bombings, sharia law, and the creation of the Islamist caliphate. Members of the Jewish community immediately brought this to the attention of the Mayor of Mississauga who publicly declared the conference was not welcome in her city. Conference organizers quickly shifted it to Hamilton, where the Mayor of that city has also indicated such conference would be divisive and is unwelcome.

In addressing the fears and anxiety of the Jewish community and others who fear extremism and want to keep Islamist jihadi actions and intentions out of Canada, CAEF’s president brought a complaint to Eventbrite, the chosen registration platform for this event. That company shut down their services to the event.  A new platform has now been confirmed, and a complaint already registered.

We don’t know if Zeffy Canada will likewise shut down its service for what looks to be an anti-Canadian, anti-democracy conference featuring themes such as anti-colonialism, anti-nationalism, freeing Palestine.  CAEF is actively advocating to stop this event;  no city should host this program, and no platform allow it to be exploited by such organization. CAEF also urges that the Federal parliament take the steps necessary to condemn Hizb ut-Tahir Canada and add it to the Canadian terrorist list. 

Read National Post article by Adrian Humphries, published in January 2024, indicating the conference planned for 2024 was hastily cancelled after the UK listed it as a banned entity. No doubt, the organizers are hoping this has been forgotten and Canadian Muslims will be immersed in Islamist rhetoric.

Read National Post article by Adrian Humphries, January 2025 pointing out the threats posed by the organization and reasons to cancel the conference.

Read CAEF letter to the Ontario College of Teachers.

Read letter from Larry Shapiro, Calgary to the Hill Times in response to Maria Wong’s article about women needing to be involved in the peace process.

Read letter from Larry Shapiro article to the Walrus magazine about its biased reporting.

Read letter from Larry Shapiro to the Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland re his anti-Israel remarks.


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