Yom Hashoah Message from Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the CPC
Yom Hashoah Program-Never Again is Now
A panel of Holocaust Survivors, Presenters with Family held or killed by Hamas, and locals who’ve experienced antisemitism in panel moderated by Robert Sarner. Habonim Synagogue, May 5, 2024.

We Cry, then We Celebrate, then We Cry Again Remembering those Murdered, Wounded and Hostages of Oct 7

We know the cycle, from attack, to defense, to winning and celebrating but at a terrible cost. This year, as we approach Yom Hazikron the annual day of memorial for those who fought for and defend Israel, and Yom Ha’atzmaut, celebrating the miracle of and steadfast commitment to the State of Israel, we are deeply saddened by the horrendous events of October 7, 2023 to be forever embedded in our collective memory, and the loss of over 250 soldiers of the IDF who have fought to eradicate Hamas. May the memory of those murdered, lost in war and terror attacks, be forever a blessing. May Israel come out stronger than ever May Zionism flourish. May we know real peace in our time.
Happy Jewish Heritage Month
Please like and retweet to celebrate Hindu Jewish Unity
Campus Jew Hatred and Pushback
Combat Antisemitism Movement which monitors antisemitism globally, and of which CAEF has been a member since its inception in 2019, reports the following: “Of April's 619 recorded incidents of antisemitism, 183 (29.6%) took place on university campuses. This represents an astronomical 815% rise in campus antisemitic incidents when compared with April 2023. At Drexel University, local police are investigating the vandalism of the campus Jewish center. "Don’t let her in, she’s a Zionist.’’ At Columbia University, a protesting student on campus promised that "October 7th is going to be every day for you."
SSI at University of Calgary
CAEF is happy to share this news, issued by Students Supporting Israel
“The SSI chapter at the University of Calgary was deemed suspended until the conclusion of the 2024 Winter semester due to a post promoting a Student/Faculty mixer with Hillel on their social media. The decision restricted the club's ability to operate, receive funding, and access resources.
Today, SSI at University of Calgary was reaffirmed and taken off of frozen-status! We are thrilled to bring back the much needed pro-Israel voice on Calgary’s campus!”
Lessons from SSI for Parents, Educators and Students
It's easy and cost-free: Turn today's Jewish high school and college kids into Zionists and they will be with us - not part of the loathe-Israel Jewish Left like IfNotNow and Jewish Voice For Peace.
We are reaching out to our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews with THE FIVE BASICS as per below. When our young people learn this, the campus left will not be able to brainwash them. Best if they learn the basics BEFORE they head to college, but if we have young family already there - 'better late than never', we are reaching out to them as well.
Let's remember: Our Hebrew schools, Jewish day schools, Hillels and campus Chabads do NOT teach these simple facts. THIS IS UP TO US. Open up the page 1's and you will see how easy it is to learn what one must know not to be played by the anti-Semitic campus Left.
THE BASICS: These are five Big Lies which comprise the basis for the unbridled Israelphobic anti-Semitism they will face at university - and how to debunk them.
Israel commits “genocide, and ethnic cleansing, and exterminates” the Palestinians” and you are a “partner in genocide” if you support Israel the “Nazi” state. (A blood libel.)
Israel was founded by Jews “ethnically cleansing” the Palestinians. (A blood libel.)
Palestinians are Israel’s “indigenous people”. (A Big Lie.)
Israel is guilty of an “occupation”. (A Big Lie.)
Israel is an “apartheid state”. (A Big Lie.)
The SSI Mantra: By omission and/or commission, lying about Israel is lying about Jews. That’s anti-Semitism straight up.
Antisemitism on Display at University of Toronto

Encampments and Protests on University Campuses: What Do They Say about Where We are and Where We are Going?
by Charles Cooke, CAEF Board member
A number of universities across Canada have been subject to vigorous protests and encampments on their properties by "students,” including U of T, UBC and McGill. Anti-Israel protests have also been aggressive at U of Calgary, U of Ottawa and U of Manitoba.
Jewish students and their allies have increasingly feared for their safety on campus and have had their studies interrupted. Jewish faculty also report experiences of antisemitism, including isolation, doxxing, and threats.
We have also seen leaders of these encampments refusing to leave by deadlines set by university leadership at the University of Toronto, followed by the university modifying its position and doing nothing to end the display of hatred and remove the encampment.
Rally with U of T Students and Faculty for a Campus Free of Hate
Canadians for Israel, StandwithUs Canada, Jewish Medical Students Association and Allied Voices for Israel, held an enthusiastic, positive Canada proud rally on Wednesday May 8th to show support for Jewish students, faculty and allies experiencing hate on campus. The level of antisemitism has risen drastically as was reported by several students, one graduate and one professor, all of whom have felt it personally and spoke on behalf of larger collectives dealing with it. Among the speakers was Justin Chow, a non Jewish student who acknowledged little to no contact or knowledge of Jews, Judaism, Israel, until October 7th happened. He is now sincerely and deeply engaged in defending Israel and combating Jew hatred on campus.
CAEF extends appreciation and kudos to Justin Chow and Naena Drazman, a Jewish student spokesperson, and to the many other students, faculty and allies on the front line, standing with the Jewish people.

Munk Diaglogue with Charles Small, ISGAP
Further to the discussion of encampments at universities across North America, the Toronto based Munk Institute held a recent dialogue with Founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Studies in Global Antisemitism and Policy, Dr. Charles Small. ISGAP has documented that “Qatar, which is currently housing the senior leaders of Hamas, is the single largest foreign donor to American universities and is also sending money to Student for Justice in Palestine, the organization supporting pro-palestinian protests on campus. Qatar has more than $500 billion dollars of assets in the United States.” This might explain the matching green tents that sprung up at campuses across the US, and the organized rhetoric and postering with similar messages, the training of protest leaders on control the message and the volunteers, and the funding of protesters as reported in Toronto and presumed to be true in all cases of longevity of protesters, the marjority of whom are not students.
Open letter from Professor James Diamond to President Meric Gertler, U of T re taking responsibility to remove the encampment and restore order.
Rally with Students, Earl Bales Park, Toronto, May 5, 2024

CAEF partnered with Tafsik to present Hillel Fuld, Israeli speaker, and panel

Antisemitism in Public Schools
The introduction of a Nakba Remembrance Day is another insidious way to teach Jew hatred. The “Nakba” is the self-inflicted humiliation that Arabs experienced after attacking Israel, immediately after the country declared independence on May 14, 1949. Five Arab armies failed to eradicate fledgling Israel though they captured and illegally occupied land for the next 19 years. The existence of Israel thus became a day of mourning for the enemies of Israel, an intractable hatred evolved and continues. However, Egypt and Jordan both signed treaties and Israel. Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq have not, and since 1967, with the defeat of Jordan in Judea and Samaria, Israel has tirelessly worked to resolve conflicts with the Palestinian Arabs and their various military and political entities, only to be attacked and savaged by Hamas, Hezbollah, the Islamic Palestinian Jihad and other PFLP affiliates. The Nakba has no place in the curriculum or any classroom in Canada.
Read article by Daniell Kubes in the National Post on May 2, 2024 regarding this contentious issue.
Then and Now

Media-Promoted Jew Hatred
Watch Dennis Prager, who states the following: “Pro-Hamas is Anti-civilization. Pro-Hamas=Pro-Palestinian as per their own data. Leftists Hate the West: Hate America, Hate Canada, Hate Israel.”
And in Canada, a reader sends this message:
“It's way past time that the CBC, CTV, 680 News and other media outlets stop referring to the weekly marches, and especially now in the daily coverage of student/ activist sit-ins at universities, as "Pro-Palestinian demonstrations". They are not "pro-Palestinian" - they are actually Anti-Israel demos. Listen to the chants - there's nothing about supporting Palestinians - it's all about divesting, anti-Zionist hate, and similar. Chants of "Go back to Poland" have nothing to do with getting aid into Gaza. Keeping Jewish students from attending lectures and classes will not feed one single Palestinian baby. Yet the news coverage is painting all the activity as being on the side of the Palestinians, when the reality is 180 degrees different, and has nothing to do with Palestine at all.
I want the news media to call this out for what is is - it's anti-Israel hate, and their correspondents' reports need to reflect this reality.” NB
Hamas Continues to Torment Gazan Civilians
Read full story from Palestinian Media Watch, on Hamas’ control of banks, aid, services within Gaza.
Who Are the Gazans?
Professor Emeritus, Allan Dershowitz, writing for the Gatestone Institute shared what must be known about the Gazan “civilian” population:
Among the so-called innocent "civilians" who Hamas claims have been killed by Israel, there are thousands of guilty and complicit civilians without whose assistance Hamas could not have succeeded in their barbarisms.
When Hamas provides its self-serving numbers of those allegedly killed by Israel, they refuse to distinguish between combatants and civilians. They certainly do not identify complicit "civilians," nor do they indicate how many were killed by the "friendly fire" of Hamas and other terrorist groups, whose rockets routinely misfire and land within Gaza. In a deliberate effort to mislead, Hamas instead purports to list the number of women and children who have been killed. But they include terrorists under the age of 19 as "children" and female terrorists as "women."
All in all, the number of absolutely innocent Gazans — babies, children and adults who are not complicit in Hamas crimes — is a fraction of those claimed by Israel's enemies, including so-called human rights groups.
Alan M. Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus at Harvard Law School, and the author most recently of War Against the Jews: How to End Hamas Barbarism. He is the Jack Roth Charitable Foundation Fellow at Gatestone Institute, and is also the host of "The Dershow" podcast.
The world, including Canada, aids and abets Hamas’ crimes against hostages
by Dogan Akman

Nowadays, in Canada, all one reads in a number of publications and hears on the CBC and other public broadcasts is blaming Israel for the sins of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), by relying on fake statistics of the number of Gazans supposedly killed or injured by the Israeli armed forces; quoting Gazans without investigating their statements; referring to the fake news about famine and starvation in Gaza supposedly caused by Israel rather than by Hamas, and to top it all, accusing Israel of committing genocide.
Read more: what could be done, what should be done.
The UN Ignores its Own Rapporteur; Promotes Antisemitism
Remember how enthused we were in 2019 to learn that the UN appointed Ahmed Shahee as Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion and belief who investigated Antisemitism. He produced a very excellent report on the global spread of Jew hatred. Subsequently, his office continues to exist and do zero!
Here is the introduction from the website UN Human Rights Office of the Commissioner:
“Antisemitic manifestations and incidents, from tacit, covert and coded forms to discriminatory behavior, to harassment and to violence are ongoing and pose serious challenges that affect whole societies. Antisemitism not only affects Jewish people, individually or collectively, but, as an ideology based on hate and prejudice, it attacks the fabric of societies, threatening the realization of all people’s human rights and the overall security of states where it occurs. Antisemitism also violates the right to freedom of religion or belief.
The Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief explores the global phenomenon of antisemitism – prejudice against, or hatred of, Jews – and its impact on the right to freedom of religion or belief of Jewish individuals and communities worldwide.
Read more in the Special Rapporteur’s September 2019 report on antisemitism.
Read Avi Benlolo in the National Post on UNRWA’s failure to change and Canada’s complicity.
Recommended Reading
Read Salzman’s article which appeared in The Epoch Times of April 29, 2024, originally published in the Middle East Forum. Philip Carl Salzman is emeritus professor of anthropology at McGill University, senior fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, a writing fellow at the Middle East Forum, and past president of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East.
Read John Hudson, May 7, 2024 in Washington Post on Biden’s delaying weapons delivery to Israel.
Advocacy--Read and Take Action
CAEF letter to Vancouver Art Gallery re use of the property for hateful protests with known agitators. Response posted on CAEF website.
Letter to Leaders of Canada from Ruth Abrams, Toronto, re Glorification of October 7 taking place on our streets.
Letter from a reader; April Laufer wrote to the Globe and Mail re article about wearing a keffiyeh in provincial parliament.
Letter to UofT President Meric Gertler, re responsibility to remove encampment from campus and restore order and respect, from Professor James Diamond
Readers, Please sign and circulate this petition directed to the National Association of Social Work, triggered by their choice of speaker for their upcoming June conference and the national organization's failure to prioritize the fight against antisemitism. We need to move this forward quickly, since the conference is around the corner.
Sign This Petition to the Government of Canada
Petition to the Government of Canada
The slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” refers to the elimination of the State of Israel and the extermination of the country’s Jewish inhabitants;
The slogan is inherently genocidal and antisemitic, and willfully promotes hatred and violence toward Jewish people;
The U.S. House of Representatives voted 377 to 44 in favor of House Resolution 883 that refers to the slogan as anti-Semitic and that its use be condemned; and
The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland in Germany has banned the slogan.
We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada and members of the Canadian Women Against Antisemitism (CWAA), call upon the Government of Canada to
Provide clarity to law enforcement agencies and provincial/territorial attorneys general that the slogan contravenes section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada which concerns the Wilful Promotion of Hatred and states that: Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction;
Examine and provide clarity on the legality and public use of other slogans, such as: “Globalize the Intifada” and “Long Live October 7th.”; and
Convene a National Summit on Anti-Semitism in Canada before June 21, 2024.
This petition is sponsored by Kevin Vuong, MP for Spadina-Fort York