North American Universities are “Educating” Students to Hate Israel, to see the entire world as composed of Oppressors and Oppressed
The Critical Race Theory offered as education to our students has to be totally undone, redone, deleted, as an obscene theory of hatred, racism, antisemitism, fact-less, base-less, clue-less.
The situation on campuses across Canada is extremely concerning. We heard it at our rally at Queen’s park on Oct 12. Now hear Mariana Fox, President of Students Supporting Israel - SSI TMU.
We see students raising alarm bells on social media —see post copied below. We see anti-Israel protests being staged regularly on campus.
Take a look at this important update from Allied Voices for Israel captured below, and read Honest Reporting Canada action alerts focused on campus newspapers:
Check out our letter of concern to York University
Let’s continue to work together to speak out!
This is a True Friend of Israel
Robin Martin is MPP for Eglinton Lawrence and a strong spokesperson for Israel and the Jewish people. She delivered this to the legislature on Oct 19, 2023.
Good News, Anti-Israel MPP removed from NDP caucus
Sara Jama whose posted and spoken history includes many antizionist comments which clearly fall under the definition of antisemitic, has finally been removed from her NDP caucus, in response to both external campaign by Jewish citizens and others, and calls in the provincial legislature to silence her hatred and bigotry.
The story appeared in the news on October 23, 2023.
Positive Action Taken by President of York University, Toronto
CAEF and other NGOs can see results, finally, from a university that has been a hotbed of antisemitic protests, statements and student federation motions over the past few years. Well known for the radical Islamist/leftist element among some student organizations, the line was drawn when three student organizations endorsed the Hamas terrorists and posted anti-Israel slime. President Rhonda Lenton has called for the immediate resignation of the executives of all three entities—and failing that, proposed to decertify these bodies, thus disallowing them to function as university clubs and unable to receive any support in funds, space or endorsements.
CAEF wrote to thank President Rhonda Lenton for taking a principled stand and making a public statement. See item as reported by Allied Voices for Israel (AVI):
“….York University also took a stand by initiating a process against student union leaders of the York Federation of Students (YFS), York University Graduate Students' Association (YUGSA), and Glendon College Student Union (GCSU). Several organizations, including Allied Voices for Israel (AVI), had urged York to take action."
Please see an excerpt from York's statement below:
The University has required the unions to take the following remedial actions or to demonstrate to the designated representative under the regulation that a breach has not occurred:
retract the statement and remove it from all public platforms;
ssue a public statement to confirm that they do not endorse or support antisemitism or any form of discrimination or violence, that they are committed to the safety of the entire membership, that they acknowledge the harm done to members and to the community by the statement, and that they are committed to take steps to repair these harms; and
all members of the student union executives must resign and the unions immediately hold a by-election for the vacant positions in accordance with the regulation. or
They must demonstrate that no breach occurred.”
Student Antisemitism Hits New (old) High at TMU
B’nai Brith Canada issued a statement late Monday, calling on the President of Toronto Metropolitan University to expel all the law school students who signed a blatantly antisemitic letter supporting Hamas, claiming the terrorist group has the right to any acts of “resistance,” and denying Israel’s right to exist. It is truly the most disgusting, Jew hating, lying piece of garbage to come out of a Canadian university and we are seeing a lot of stupid, arrogant, Jew hating fallacious claims à la the Nazi era.
When the antidote to Jew hatred is said to be “education,” maybe we need think again. The level of Jew hatred on display at universities across North America, including Canada, also in Europe and UK, is appalling and is reminiscent of the Nazi movement in Germany, as Nazis also came from an upper class educated elite in Germany. It was professors, doctors, judges, and other so-called educated members of society that shunned Jews, forced them out of professions, out of academia, off campus, out of any public institutions and then the governing elite, turned an entire nation against the Jews. This is what today leftist Hamas apologists would like to replicate.
These pro-Palestinian, terror supporters swarm around hate speeches like bees to honey and carry banners of hatred that shed light on their anti-democratic, anti-rule of law, anti-inclusion ideology. Sadly, this is what young people are now exposed to and its dangerous and threatening to Jews and non-Jews. Iranian students rallied in 1979 to bring the Ayatollah back to Iran, and today, Iranian students suffer the inhumane, unjust, misogynistic and murderous ideology of the Iranian regime. Students supported Hitler on mass and paid the ultimate price—war, death and destruction. Today’s leftist/Islamist alliance could have the same consequences. Where now is Trudeau’s platitude taking us, “Diversity is our Strength.”? The universities must strive much harder for truly diverse opinions, and politicians must take issue with hate mongers and not simply ignore them.
Read more:

Brooke Goldstein States the Truth in Interview with Fox News
Letter from Rena
And on the other side of the world, watch this short video showing the people of Japan standing with Israel:
Letter from Ruth Abrams, Toronto, to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Leader of the Opposition, Pierre Poilievre
France, Germany, the UK, among others are not allowing pro-terror, pro-Hamas rallies.
But a short time after a nazi was applauded in Parliament, Hamas, a terrorist organization that advocates genocide, and has joyfully committed a holocaust to start a war, is being celebrated with pro-terror rallies in Canadian cities and Universities. Ominously, university classrooms are a hotbed of virulence fomented by so-called educators, endangering the safety of, and humiliating Jewish students.
Why are Hamas' “news” briefings even being accepted? Hamas has orchestrated Gaza’s entire misery of a hellhole, and has engineered a devious trap for the gullible. The onus should be placed on Hamas, which cynically hides out in underground tunnels to keep safe.
Canada should ban pro-terror rallies.
Ruth Abrams
Read: CAEF letter to President Meric Gertler, University of Toronto, re pro-terrorist rallies
Response from U of T, office of the President:
To:Andria Spindel - CAEF
Fri 10/20/2023 5:35 PM
Dear Ms Spindel,
Thank you for sharing this resource with the Office of the President. We appreciate your engagement at this extremely difficult time.
Best wishes,
Statements, Videos, and Admissions about Hamas
Other important messages to read:
Advocacy and Action
ZOA report, Oct 23, 2023
(OCTOBER 22, 2023 / FRONTPAGEMAG) The Cygnal poll is unique in that it polled Muslims in America as a separate group about the Hamas attack on Israel during which the Islamic terrorists massacred civilians, raped and kidnapped women, and killed and kidnapped children.
28% of Muslims in America strongly agree that Hamas was justified while 29% somewhat agree. On the other side, 16% strongly disagree while 25% somewhat disagree.
From Australia/Israel Jewish Affairs Council
Resource Material
Empty Shabbat Table installation #BringThemHome, by the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto
