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Education is Essential | CAEF Bulletin Mar 17, 2023

We Should All Be Angry That Jews Were Killed in Israel Over Many Weeks and Less Angry that a Functioning Government is Acting on its Promises

Part 1 - Judicial Reform and Demonstrations

Jews in Israel and the diaspora seem overtaken with divisiveness, expressed by demonstrations against a duly elected government that is committed to acting on its promised legislative agenda.

While elections do not provide any overall guarantee of democracy, they are an important component. We have witnessed how elected governments can later hijack democracy, such as in Venezuela, formerly Argentina and Chile, and of course in Turkey and Russia where authoritarian leaders simply change the rules and get re-elected multiple times. There are numerous examples where tyrants took advantage of “elections,” but is that really the case in Israel? If over 60% of the population chose a right wing government with a security focus, a foreign relations success record, a long standing concern about juridical over-reach that needs to be corrected, what is the current fuss about?

CAEF is not in any position to provide expertise on this matter or offer the most informed opinion, but we wonder about priorities. When the country is experiencing higher than usual existential threats from an almost nuclear Iran, explosive and corrosive rhetoric from its closest and staunchest enemy, PA President Mahmoud Abbas, who has been inciting and rewarding terrorism, happily celebrating the murder of innocent Jews, isn’t this the time for solidarity, internal peace-making, cross party understanding?

Obviously, changes to the powers and processes of any branch of government are important, but as the calls for reform of the judicial branch are decades old, and were even mouthed by former leftist politicians, why now cause total disruption of Israeli society and an eruption of hostility among friends and family, dragging the diaspora into what surely is a local issue? The level of acrimony suggests these reforms are potentially destructive to democracy, but are they really, or will they simply make the judicial system in Israel more akin to that of most Western democracies? It seems the destructive element is the demonstrations themselves, funded by overseas entities, including the American state department.

Demonstrators, it has been reported, don’t all know what reforms have been proposed and why. Surely the government needs to make its concerns better known and its solutions. And surely, Israelis should have better faith in their own elected leaders, after all, they were chosen by the majority, after 5 elections with coalitions of minorities that included anti-Zionists, and repugnant decisions that favoured illegal Arab land grabs while dismantling new Jewish settlements.

The demonstrations seem unrelenting, and the diaspora’s response is most ignorant and inappropriate. If building a case for excessive criticism of Israel, support for the BDS movement, and alliances with pro-Palestinian-anti-Israel organizations was desired, then surely this will prove successful.


Part 2 - Where the Rage Belongs

Two brothers, Hillel and Yagel Yaniv, aged 19 and 21, were gunned down in their car while driving through the Arab village of Huwara. There have been fourteen Jews killed in terrorist attacks already in 2023.

The brothers were from Har Bracha. Hundreds of Jewish Israeli citizens drive through Huwarah on a daily basis to get from the communities of Har Bracha, Yitzhar, Itamar, and Elon Moreh to virtually anywhere else in Israel. Many commute to Tel Aviv or Jerusalem on a daily basis. Highway 60, the Road of the Patriarchs, goes directly through the Arab village of Huwarah, which, because parts of it are in Area B, is open to both Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews to travel together.

Hillel and Yagel were on their way to a yeshiva to study Torah on Sunday afternoon, February 26th when an Arab vehicle caused their car to crash into the median, a terrorist stepped out and executed them at point blank range, before they even had a chance to get out of their vehicle or try to get away. It was a particularly brutal and barbaric murder.

The next day, thousands of people gathered at the military cemetery at Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem to weep and mourn and bury these brothers.

Read the full story from The Israel Guys, Christian Zionists reporting from Israel.

But know, most importantly, that the Palestinian Authority has a law that requires payment to the murderers of Jews, and a lifetime annuity to the family of a terrorist who is killed in the act of such a crime. Hardly anyone in Israel or anywhere else knows that the PA has enacted an actual statute that if you murder a Jew, you get a salary for life.

This is a death sentence for every Jew. Not every citizen of Israel.

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs published this article by Brig. Gen. (ret) Yossi Kuperwasser which tells the incredible truth about pay for slay:

“The Palestinian Authority’s legislation and allocations of monthly salaries and benefits rewarding imprisoned and released terrorists, and the families of “Martyrs,” amount to $300 million annually. This financial reward clearly demonstrates the PA’s institutional commitment to sponsoring terror against Israel.”

CAEF has been sending regular End Jew Hatred Reports and letters to the elected government of Canada, demanding they withhold all funding to the PA which approves texts and teachers’ manuals, used throughout UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) schools because they teach children to use violence against Jews. Recent attacks and murders by 13 year olds proves the corrupt curriculum works. Canada must stop all funding to the PA until it cancels the legislation and corrects the textbooks. Why is Canada funding terrorism?


Two Faced, Anti-Israel Americans, Europeans, and Arab Leaders

While many are condemning Israeli MK Bazel Smotrich for his unsavory remarks, which he soon reconsidered and recanted ie that the Palestinian Arab village of Huwara should be demolished, these same critics, say absolutely nothing when Jews are killed, attacked and threatened. These would seem to not be strong advocates for democracy, for freedom of speech, or freedom of religion but defenders of tyrants, Jew haters, and misogynists.

For clear evidence of the antisemitic bias, read this article detailing the original disturbing postings by the head of the Regional Council which were retweeted by Smotrich, then corrected showing contrition, and read the details of the total lack of sensitivity on display by Thomas Nides, US Ambassador to Israel, and the many Arabic leaders, who were quick to criticize Israel, but say and do little to nothing to stop the Arab incitement and the violence that is the living reality on a daily basis for Israelis. Smotrich used words. The Palestinian Arabs are using knives, guns, rockets, car rammings, and suicide attacks by children. There is no symmetry. Israel needs to clean out the terrorists, stop pay for slay, and stop providing comforts and opportunities for jailed murderers.


A Lawfare Project Success

Congrats and Appreciation to The Lawfare Project which defended the claimant Matt Greenspan in a case against a repeat Jew hater, Saadah Masoud, who attacked three Jews at different locations and celebrated the fact that he wasn’t even charged by the State, and was a hero unto himself. Thankfully, Gerard Filitti and The Lawfare Project won justice and sent the hater to prison, and after an 18 month term, he will be under supervision for a further 3 years. It may not be enough to warn others, but it is commendable that the Justice Department saw fit to punish the bigot.


How About a New Approach to Antisemitic Attacks— Jews “Packing Heat”

Barbara Kay, National Post journalist, proffered a new idea, new for Canadians, new for Jews—self defense. With increasing hostility towards Jews, one might ask, from whence cometh my help? Maybe it comes from a fellow Jew or you, a trained and licensed gun owner. CAEF and this writer are not advocating this, but definitely advocating that Jewishself-defense be discussed. in the context of rising Jew hatred.

Read this article of March 4th, 2023.


Resources About Israel and Jewish Indigeneity

More Resources About Israel and Jewish Indigeneity

CAEF is pleased to introduce readers and supporters to Taking Back the Narrative.

“Taking Back the Narrative (TBTN) is a Zionist education initiative which aims to get the facts about Israel, its right as the Jewish homeland, and the efficacious voice it represents in the world, out into the public sphere. TBTN does not have a specific political agenda, other than supporting truth, which should not have a side in the political theater.”

Jewish ownership of the land of Israel, the Mandate for Palestine


A Dialogue Worth Hearing: Caroline Glick and Conrad Black

During her recent visit to Toronto as a guest of CAEF and the Toronto Zionist Centre, Caroline Glick, author, journalist, and political commentator met with author, journalist, and political commentator, Conrad Black. Their dialogue addresses legal reform in Israel and other key issues.

Caroline published an opinion in JNS on March 9, 2023, on the harm being done by the Left that is rejecting judicial reforms, necessary to change the court’s bias against Jews.


Support Israel Now—An Egyptian Expat Speaks

This opening paragraph of an article by Hussein Aboubakr Mansour, Director of EMET's Program for Emerging Democratic Voices from the Middle East, and a writing fellow at the Middle East Forum, is pointedly clear, support Israel now, ensure that Israel survives.

The violence inside and the protests outside are more than an existential threat, and they are fuelled by those who desire to eradicate the nation state of the Jewish people. Unwittingly, even Jews serve as fools and idiots, the Left is financed from abroad, and the Islamists are reveling in the chaos.

“Through a web of events and developments, Israel finds itself at the nexus of unprecedented challenges both foreign and domestic. Rising instability in the West Bank brought a wave of Palestinian violence and terror attacks which left the highest number of casualties since the second Intifada and threatens an even more violent Ramadan season. On the Iran front, recent IAEA reports confirming traces of uranium enriched nearly to the weapon-grade level brings Israel and the entire region closer to the point at which Israel much act against Iran. Finally, the power struggle and political battle over the proposed judicial reform is proving to be grueling and scary for Israelis at home and for Israel's support base abroad. For those who care about the present and the future of the Jewish state, the time to support Israel is now.”

Read the full article, published simultaneously by EMET and the Middle East Forum, March 2, 2023.

Watch the webinar presented by Hussein Aboubakr Mansour for EMET

Here is an important excerpt from Hussein:

"Regardless of how one feels about the Israeli government, the only body between the river and the sea that is able to protect Jewish and Arab lives, and stop Palestinian terrorism, potential settler unrest, and Iranian nuclear threats is no other entity than the State of Israel. The solution for all those problems is more, not less, Israel. The most important and unique asset Israel has is the millions of people around the world who believe in and support Israel. This base of international support always contributed to giving Israel international weight and confidence which significantly helped in Israel's defense. Today, this base of support is a target of a campaign seeking to fragment it and to put daylight between Israel and many American Jews. This is the time for those who support Israel to make their voice heard to ensure that at the end of these troubled times, there will be an even stronger Israel."


Jew Hatred is a Problem for all of Society


Advocacy and Action

CAEF responds to many issues that affect the Jewish community, addressing antisemitism, Jewish civil rights, and education on Jewish history.


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